Advice to non-specialist EALD teachers of EALD students in SACE Essential English
OVERVIEW Rationale Aim General Considerations Task Design Delivery Assessment Resources Appendix 1
RATIONALE Background – pre-2016 Stage 1 ESL EALD students eligible for ESL subjects Stage 2 ESL Studies Stage 2 ESL
Possible Stage 1 and 2 English Options
Schools with large EALD cohorts Specialist EALD teacher SACE EALD variant of Essential English subjects SACE EAL subjects
EALD students in classes with English speaking background students Non-EALD specialist teacher Stage 2 Essential English Stage 1 Essential English
I am learning new concepts in English … I do not have a disability … but I am still learning English … I feel anxious... I am learning new concepts in English..
Life experiences and diverse cultural knowledge Cultural knowledge Education- equivalent to their age peers in Australia or not Varying experiences with ICT EALD Students
English knowledge Curriculum content skills and knowledge Literacy in first language or additional language EALD Students
AIM General Considerations Delivery Task Design Assessment
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Appreciation of the diversity Positive Classroom Environment Diversity within cultural groups Collegiate Approach
DELIVERY Explicit Scaffolded Aim Purpose Meaningful Modelling Opportunities Register Continuum Consistency in Meta-language Usage
ASSESSMENT Formative Peer Self Summative Goals Checklists Feedback Reflections Support Staff
Assessment Strategies Less on Language More on Content Analysis of Learner’s Writing Observations of Oral Interactions and/or Interviews with Learners/Read ing Logs Learners' Self- Assessments Classroom Learning Activities eg cloze exercises More Formalised and Rehearsed Oral Activities eg panel discussions or describing an item related to curriculum content
Modified Task Design and Assessment Task Instructions match EALD learners' levels of English Feedback matches EALD learners' levels of English Identifying a point of view- some EALD learners will be able to decode; others will be able to analyse; and more capable language users will be able to identify and discuss how the audience has been positioned by the writer or speaker Practice, preparation and revision- need multiple opportunities to use language, particularly spoken language.
RESOURCES ACARA English as an Additional Language or Dialect Teacher Resource: Annotated Content Descriptions English Foundation to Year 10 at sed_February_2014.pdf sed_February_2014.pdf Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at professional-standards-for-teachers/standards/listhttp:// professional-standards-for-teachers/standards/list Design, Teaching and Learning and Assessment cycle at dialect-eald/professional-learning/designing,-teaching-and-learning-and-assessment-cycle dialect-eald/professional-learning/designing,-teaching-and-learning-and-assessment-cycle EAL/D Elaborations of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Language and Literacy Levels Teaching Strategies at SACE Board learning assessment plans at areas/englishhttps:// areas/english Teaching for Effective Learning Framework at
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Reference Group Guy Bayly-Jones Gemma Brunckhorst Meridie Howley Thanks to the secondary EALD teachers and SAETA members who also provided feedback.