The 2012 Fellowship Program 60 months full-time equivalent Begins: –Stage 1 (1 st year): December (NZ); January 2013 (Australia) –Stage 2 (2 nd and 3 rd years): December 2013 –Stage 3 (4 th and 5 th years): December 2015 Transition arrangements will apply for current trainees and will begin from the start of 2014 Progression between Stages dependent on: –Time spent in rotations –Attainment of Fellowship Competencies demonstrated through successful completion of mandatory assessments – WBAs, EPAs, In-Training Assessment Forms and Reports December 2012
Key Terms Trainees move through the stages of training, to develop the required level of competence for each Stage: –Stage 1 (1 st year): Basic –Stage 2 (2 nd & 3 rd years): Proficient –Stage 3 (4 th & 5 th years): Advanced WBAs - Workplace-based Assessments EPAs – Entrustable Professional Activities December 2012
Workplace-based Assessments (WBAs) Formative assessment of competencies Mechanism for supervisor to provide meaningful and effective feedback Minimum of 3 WBAs used to inform assessment of each EPA Supervisors are required to be competent in conducting WBAs WBA tools include: –Observed Clinical Activity (OCA) –Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise –Professional Presentation –Case-based Discussion (CbD) – Program/Assessment-overview/Workplace-based-Assessments.aspxhttp:// Program/Assessment-overview/Workplace-based-Assessments.aspx December 2012
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) Summative assessment EPAs are clinical tasks that trainees must be entrusted to perform to an appropriate standard in order to progress EPAs provide a snapshot of how a trainee is performing 2 EPAs should be assessed and achieved for each 6-month rotation In addition to the rotation-based EPAs, 5 general psychiatry EPAs (by the end of Stage 2) and 4 Psychotherapy EPAs are to be entrusted EPA forms can be found at the following link - Program/Training-forms/EPA-forms.aspx Program/Training-forms/EPA-forms.aspx December 2012
Assessments and other requirements All trainees must be enrolled in a Formal Education Course All trainees must attempt and pass: –Written exam –OCI Exam –OSCE Exam –Scholarly project –Psychotherapy Written Case December 2012
Supervisor In-Training Assessment – ITAs 2 ITAs: –Formative In-Training Assessment Forms Mid-rotation –Summative In-Training Assessment Reports End of rotation Must be submitted to the College ITAs can be found at the following link - Fellowship/2012-Fellowship-Program/Assessment-overview/In- Training-Assessments.aspxhttp:// Fellowship/2012-Fellowship-Program/Assessment-overview/In- Training-Assessments.aspx December 2012
Website resources New regulations, policies and procedures for the 2012 Fellowship program are currently being drafted All information about the new program is available on the website: Program.aspx Trainees enrolled under the 2012 Regulations are not to use resources under the 2003 Regulations section of the website which includes the Links and Forms page December 2012
Stage 1 – 1 st Year of Training 12 months FTE Minimum 12 months in Adult Psych training; with 6 months in acute setting First intake: December 2012 (NZ) Supervision –4 hours/week for 40 weeks, including: 2hrs/week outside ward rounds and case review 1 hour minimum individual supervision of clinical work –WBAs typically occur in supervision time –EPAs may or may not be formally signed off in supervision time December 2012
QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, FEEDBACK? Any questions? Website: Fellowship.aspxhttp:// Fellowship.aspx Contacts: –Cathy Schapper –Michelle Orkin –Training December 2012