Special Education Update
Shining Star Preschool 1. New Assessment Tool through Grant Social Skills through PBIS Initiative and attendance at Michelle Garcia Winner conference 3. iPad Consultation Elementary Schools 1. CTLs working on information to gain program consistency through the grades 2. Ongoing PBIS training 3. iPad Consultation 4. Schedules
Middle Schools 1. Liferoles program 2. Transition Planning 3. Mental Health High School 1. Mental Health 2. Transition Planning 3. Project Search 4. Culture-Spread the Word to End the Word-3/6/13
Initiatives to Support Students 1. March 6, 2013 Milford High School and Middle School East Student Assemblies to Spread the Word to End the Word 2. March 20, 2013 Dr. David Nowell consulted with adjustment counselors and psychologists regarding mental health concerns district wide 3. Juvenile Advocacy Group (JAG) networking on April 3, 2013 to pull together a directory of area services for staff and families 4. Autism Awareness month-SenseAbility Gym 5. The Herren Project-Chris Herren will speak to the students at MHS regarding his struggles with drug and alcohol addiction in September
MPS Disabilities by DESE Categories Special Education Students to Date
Students Per Building/ Total Special Education
Special Education Students by Placement