CEO Report LEO Meeting Board Meeting
CEO Report Launched FitFirstJobs our new assessment tool for jobseekers and recruitment and succession planning tool for businesses. Web site is: Hired LaTosha Davis as our Human Resource Manager Installed new HR module for our accounting system Installed new portal for employees to report time and attendance and track their leave and benefits.
CEO Report Worked with the East Central Area and together have requested designation as a new 9 county workforce development area Request will go before the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development (GCWED) oversight committee and they will make recommendation to the entire council If Approved will go through the process of creating a new board and Local Elected Officials (LEO) will determine the Board membership
CEO Report Had hearing with Secretary Shirley in January on our National Emergency Grant. Our insurance retained attorneys were with Bill and I After the hearing the Secretary said she would make a determination in about five days. Instead we received a settlement proposal from their attorney. We made a counter proposal one week later and haven’t heard anything at all for what will soon be four weeks.
CEO Report Construction Workforce JOB FAIR 2016 PRESENTED BY CLP RESOURCES Along with: Oklahoma Burglar & Fire Alarm Association, American Subcontractors Association of Oklahoma, Independent Electrical Contractors of Oklahoma, Plumbing Heating and Cooling Contractors, Oklahoma Lumberman’s Association, Central Oklahoma Workforce Investment Board, Plumbers & Pipefitters Training Center Local 344 When: Wednesday, April 27th, 3pm – 7pm Where: Tower Hotel, 3233 Northwest Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK Event Fees:$350 per Non-Member (includes booth, table, chairs after April 20th price is $400) $250 per Member (includes booth, table, chairs after April 20th price is $300) $150 for Educational Intuitions (includes booth, table, chairs after April 20th price is $200) FREE Admission to JOB SEEKERS Business Register for event: If having trouble registering online, please complete this registration and send to Tara Barlean and mail your payment by check to: ASAOK, PO Box 60655, Oklahoma City, OK Company Name: __________________________________ Address_________________________ Contact Person_________________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip: _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION WILL BE CONFIRMED BY . SPACE IS LIMITED SO GET YOUR REGISTRATION IN EARLY. Questions or Additional information contact Tara Barlean, Executive Director or
CEO Report We received our audit without any findings, there were three posting changes required that we agreed with the auditors on. It will go to the finance committee next month. Need another volunteer for the finance committee Bill has been working on a MOU model as part of a pilot project. More comprehensive under WIOA We were certified by the Governor’s Council as a Board Deidre Meyers is no longer with the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development