Feminist Criticism Poetry
What is Feminism? The theory or study of political, economic, social, and psychological equality of the sexes Specific focus on the oppression of women (although the roles of men are important to the study, as well) GOAL: reduce, if not eliminate, inequality
What is Feminist Criticism? The study of political, economic, social, and psychological equality of the sexes in literature Special focus on the ways in which literature reinforces or undermines the oppression of women
Key Terminology Patriarchy Sexism Traditional Gender Roles The Cult of True Womanhood Good Girls and Bad Girls Biological Essentialism Sex and Gender
Patriarchy A society in which men hold all or most of the power Promotes traditional gender roles Violation of traditional gender roles is unnatural, unhealthy, or even immoral
Sexism Belief that women are innately (that is, by nature) inferior to men Less intelligent Less rational Less courageous Etc. More insulting synonym for patriarchy
Traditional Gender Roles MenWomen -Rational- Emotional -Strong- Weak -Protective- Nurturing -Decisive- Submissive
The Cult of True Womanhood Concept of 1800s Victorian patriarchy “True Woman” fulfilled her patriarchal gender role in every way Fragile Submissive Sexually pure Home maker Only white women could be “true”
Biological Essentialism Belief that women are inherently inferior Biological differences cause this inferiority Physical strength Hormones Etc.
Sex and Gender Sex: biological makeup as male or female Gender: our cultural programming as feminine or masculine Sex DOES NOT EQUAL Gender
Good Girls and Bad Girls Good GirlsBad Girls -Follow role- Violate role -On pedestal- Discarded -Serve family- Serve men -Examples:- Examples: - Virginal angel - Seductress - Selfless nurturer - Nag - Gossip
Questions to Ask Is the author male or female? What is the author’s attitude toward women in society? How does the author’s culture influence his/her attitude? Is the narrator male or female? What types of roles do women (and men) have in the text? Gender roles Character roles How do the men think about/treat women? Vice versa. Do the men and women speak differently? Who talks most often? Is feminine imagery used? If so, what is the significance of such imagery?