Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Session Six: Feminism
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Test Lara Croft: Elevation Lara Croft: Elevation Dexter: No blood Dexter: No blood Make a list of male and female identities suggested by the two texts Make a list of male and female identities suggested by the two texts Make a list of 19th and 20th century male and female writers and artists. Make a list of 19th and 20th century male and female writers and artists.
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Agenda Jakobson’s model of communication Jakobson’s model of communication Test Test Feminist Criticism: Some Key Concepts Feminist Criticism: Some Key Concepts Examples Examples
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Jakobson’s Six Factors of Verbal Communication context Addressermessageaddressee contact code
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Jakobson’s Six Functions of Verbal Communication Referential Emotivepoeticconative phaticmetalingual
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Feminism and representation Politics: equality and freedom Politics: equality and freedom –Social, economic, legal, and political rights Literature (and other cultural products) Literature (and other cultural products) –Gender identity
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Patriachy Ideology Ideology All spheres of life controlled by and centered om men All spheres of life controlled by and centered om men Women are subordinated by and to men Women are subordinated by and to men Women are Other Women are Other
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Gender vs sex Sex is anatomy Sex is anatomy Gender are socially and culturally specific constructions of identity Gender are socially and culturally specific constructions of identity
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Feminist critique: reading politically and polemically as a woman, or how a female point of view Changes our reading of a text, focussing on its sexual codes and the images and stereotypes of women Changes our reading of a text, focussing on its sexual codes and the images and stereotypes of women Our understanding of the ideological assumptions at work in the literary field Our understanding of the ideological assumptions at work in the literary field Throws light on the misrepresentation of women in criticism and literary history Throws light on the misrepresentation of women in criticism and literary history
Jens Kirk, Dept. of Languages and Culture Literary Theory and Methodology Gynocriticism: women as writers Distinctive feminine motifs and themes Distinctive feminine motifs and themes Distinctive female tradition – a new canon Distinctive female tradition – a new canon Distinctive feminine subjectivity: female ways of thinking, feeling, perceiving, speaking, writing, and valuing Distinctive feminine subjectivity: female ways of thinking, feeling, perceiving, speaking, writing, and valuing