CCNA1 v3 Module 1 v3 America at Mid-Century Chapter 27 JEOPARDY Teacher Name
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModes EisenhowerWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands The Cold The Cold War America in the 1950s Ike and the Ike and the Cold War Cold War Vietnam Kennedy ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question Answer: Caused a worsening of relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after WWII The Cold War 100 A: What is the clash over Poland?
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the Iron Curtain? Answer: The division between Soviet dominated Europe and the rest of the continent The Cold War
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the Truman Doctrine? Answer: The U.S. would support free people resisting subjugation by armed minorities and outside pressure The Cold War 300
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the Marshall Plan? Answer: Economic aid to Europe to stop the spread of communism The Cold War 400
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the G.I. Bill? Answer: Gave money and low cost loans to soldiers after WWII to go to school and buy homes The Cold War 500
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is Eisenhower’s calm and diplomatic manner? Answer: The reason for Eisenhower’s popularity Eisenhower
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is Modern Republicanism? Answer: Liberal when it comes to people and conservative in financial matters Eisenhower 200
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the Interstate Highway Act? Answer: The largest and most expensive public works program Eisenhower 300
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: Who was John Foster Dulles? Answer: Eisenhower’s Secretary of State who was strongly anti-communist Eisenhower 400
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the government’s response to the launching of Sputnik? Answer: The government passed the National Defense Education Act Eisenhower 500
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique? Answer: Articulated the frustrations of the American housewife America in the 1950s 100
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the main criticism of post-WWII American society? Answer: Conformity America in the 1950s 200
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is one negative of the Federal Housing Administration? Answer : promoted all white suburbs and racial segregation in housing America in the 1950s 300
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the theme of most television programs of the 1950s? Answer: idealized the affluent suburban WASP middle-class America in the 1950s 400
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the attraction of white females to black musicians? Answer: the reason white southerners feared rock n’ roll America in the 1950s 500
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: Why didn’t the U.S. come to the aid of East Berlin and Hungary during their uprisings? Answer: Eisenhower wanted to avoid a direct confrontation with the Soviet Union Ike and the Cold War 100
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What was the “New Look” system that was Ike’s foreign policy? Answer: Depended upon nuclear armaments and covert activity through the CIA Ike and the Cold War 200
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What happened as a result of the U-2 incident? Answer: The hopes for reconciliation with the Soviet Union were dissolved Ike and the Cold War 300
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is the destablization of governments viewed as unfriendly to the U.S.? Answer: Covert activities of the CIA Ike and the Cold War 400
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What the U.S. would send military aid to counter communism in the Middle East? Answer: The Eisenhower Doctrine Ike and the Cold War 500
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What was the belief that if one nation in Southeast Asia fell to communism then its neighbor would do the same? Answer: The Domino Theory Vietnam 100
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: Who was the U.S. backed leader of South Vietnam? Answer: Ngo Dinh Diem Vietnam 200
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is furnishing aid to the French? Answer: The United States’ initial involvement in Vietnam Vietnam 300
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What is sending 16,000 ground troops and military advisors? Answer: Kennedy’s policy toward Vietnam 400
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: Who were the Vietcong? Answer: The South Vietnamese insurgents who opposed the Diem regime Vietnam 500
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: Why did Kennedy have difficulty getting legislation passed? Answer: Because Kennedy won a narrow election and had difficulty with Republicans and conservative Democrats C6 100
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What were elements of Kennedy’s New Frontier? Answer: The Equal Pay Act of 1962, the Peace Corps, and the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women Kennedy 200
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: How did Kennedy respond to the knowledge that the Soviet Union had installed missiles in Cuba? Answer: Ordered a naval quarantine of Cuba Kennedy 300
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What was the conclusion of the Warren Commission? Answer: Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of JFK Kennedy 400
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What was the Alliance for Progress? Answer: Kennedy’s program to encourage economic stability in Latin America Kennedy 500
CCNA1 v3 Module 1 Question A: What was “Flexible Response”? Answer Kennedy’s policy that called for a variety of military options Final Jeopardy