to abolish, to do away with abrogate ab (away) + rogat (ask)
cancel revoke re (back) + voc (voice)
abusive criticism diatribe dia (through) + trib (pay)
foreknowledge prescience pre (before) + sci (know)
cancel revoke re (back) + voc (voice)
argumentative disputatious dis (away) + put (think)
combative pugnacious pugn (fight) + ous (full of)
sharp; cutting incisive in (into) + cise (cut)
limited circumscribed circum (around) + scrib (write)
to list or count enumerate ex (out) + numer (number)
bad noise cacophony caco (bad) + phon (sound)
abnormality anomaly an (without) + homo (same)
touchable tangible tan (touch) + able
word from initial letters acronym acro (high) + nym (name)
leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals demagogue demo (people) + agog (leader)
at birth congenital con (together) + gen (origin)
argumentative disputatious dis (away) + put (think)
prevent preclude pre (before) + clud (close)
to withdraw or disavow a statement recant re (back) + cant (sing)
abnormality anomaly an (without) + homo (same)
teacher pedagogue ped (child) + agog (leader)
code breaker cryptologist crypt (hidden) + logy (science)
to abolish, to do away with abrogate ab (away) + rogat (ask)
word from initial letters acronym acro (high) + nym (name)
to withdraw or disavow a statement recant re (back) + cant (sing)
racial or cultural prejudice ethnocentrism ethno (race) + centr (center)
racial or cultural prejudice ethnocentrism ethno (race) + centr (center)
self-centered egocentric ego (self) + centr (center)
mediate intercede inter (between) + cede (go)
abusive criticism diatribe dia (through) + trib (pay)
at birth congenital con (together) + gen (origin)
prevent preclude pre (before) + clud (close)
foreknowledge prescience pre (before) + sci (know)
talkative loquacious loqu (talk) + ous (full of)
leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals demagogue demo (people) + agog (leader)
mediate intercede inter (between) + cede (go)
combative pugnacious pugn (fight) + ous (full of)
sacred sacrosanct sacro (holy) + sanct (holy)
talkative loquacious loqu (talk) + ous (full of)
masculine & feminine androgynous andro (male) + gyn (woman)
limited circumscribed circum (around) + scrib (write)
teacher pedagogue ped (child) + agog (leader)
to list or count enumerate ex (out) + numer (number)
sacred sacrosanct sacro (holy) + sanct (holy)
masculine & feminine androgynous andro (male) + gyn (woman)
bad noise cacophony caco (bad) + phon (sound)
touchable tangible tan (touch) + able
code breaker cryptologist crypt (hidden) + logy (science)
self-centered egocentric ego (self) + centr (center)
sharp; cutting incisive in (into) + cise (cut)