BBio 351 – January 13, 2016 Outline for today: Intro to endocrinology (Sherwood 7.1) Endocrine system vs. nervous system Endocrine basics POGIL-style worksheets (to be distributed in class) Endocrine glands and hormones Hormone mechanism of action The hypothalamic-pituitary axis (Sherwood 7.3) Anatomy, including pituitary parts Tropic hormones and feedback loops End-of-chapter questions Already done
Endocrine worksheets Endocrine Glands and Hormones (“What are endocrine glands and what do they make?”) From Patrick J.P. Brown, Anatomy & Physiology: A Guided Inquiry, pp Hormone Mechanism of Action (“How do hormones exert their influence on cells?”) From Patrick J.P. Brown, Anatomy & Physiology: A Guided Inquiry,, pp General instructions Work in groups of 4 if at all possible. One group per table. Give each person a chance to think individually about each question (1 question, 1 section, or 1 page at a time) before discussing as a group. To promote teamwork, each member of a group should take on one of the roles on the next slide.
Group-work roles for worksheets Discussion Leader: introduces questions and gathers input. “Are we ready to discuss #3?” “So Phyll thinks that blood pressure would rise in this situation. Is anyone else unsure about that?” Lifeline: in charge of looking things up and getting instructor’s attention for questions. “I will check the textbook/Wikipedia to confirm that.” “So what do we want to ask Dr. C – whether alpha and beta receptors lead to the same changes in smooth muscle tone?” Equity Officer: makes sure all have a chance to participate (including the Equity Officer him/herself!). “Lee, do you agree with Phyll?” “That seems right. Can we think of a specific example? How about you, Maria?” Digression Manager: keeps the discussion on track. “OK, but we seem to be focusing a lot on thyroid hormone at the moment. Does that even influence blood glucose levels?” “Interesting point. Does that relate to blood glucose levels and, if so, how?”
The hypothalamic-pituitary axis Hormones often control the release of other hormones Tropic hormones Releasing Hormones Inhibiting Hormones
Anatomy: hypothalamus & pituitary Sherwood Figure 7-9
2 parts of the pituitary
Hypothalamus-pituitary axis & negative feedback Martini (2015) Figure 18-8 (like Sherwood Figure 7-12)
Hypothalamus-pituitary axis & negative feedback Example: consider thyroid hormone as “Hormone 2.” Produced byEffects Releasing Hormone: Hormone 1: Hormone 2: Thyroid Hormone
Nicknames for the pituitary? Martini (2015) Figure 18-9
End-of-chapter questions (1) Would you expect the concentration of hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones in a systemic venous blood sample to be higher, lower, or the same as the concentration of these hormones in a sample of hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal blood? Sherwood, page 334
End-of-chapter questions (2) Thinking about the feedback control loop among TRH, TSH, and thyroid hormone, would you expect the concentration of TSH to be normal, above normal, or below normal in an animal whose diet is deficient in iodine (an element essential for synthesizing thyroid hormone)? Sherwood, page 334
End-of-chapter questions (3) An animal displays symptoms of excess cortisol secretion. What factors could be measured in a blood sample to determine whether the condition is caused by a defect at the hypothalamic/anterior pituitary level or the adrenal cortex level? Sherwood, page 334