Mrs. Foust’s Humanities class Humanities: Language Arts and Social Studies
My Background: Bachelor’s Degree: Lehigh University in Bethelehem, PA Master’s in Education: DePaul University in Chicago, IL Taught for 10 years in the suburbs of Chicago. Subbed in ISD for 5 years 2 nd Year at PCMS
My Family:
Language Arts: Writing District is currently in an adoption year for Language Arts. Lucy Caulkins Unit of Study 5-6 weeks Writing/5-6 Reading journal
Language Arts: Reading
Reading Conferences: Students are expected to read independently for the first 10 minutes of LA every day! Reading strategies should be applied to their independent book. I conference with 1-2 students during this time. I take notes and we (the student + Mrs. Foust) make a reading goal for next meeting. Reading Log-100 minutes per week turned in every week.
Social Studies
Social Studies Curriculum Early Civilizations Fall of Roman Empire Chapter Outlines, Individual and Group Projects, Activities (Hammurabi’s Court, Greek Olympics, etc) Current Events: CNN Student News
Classroom Website How to reach me Book Logins Calendar Important Links Skyward
Grading: The district is moving toward Standards Based Grading. 4-Clearly demonstrates standard 3-Demonstrates standard 2-Approaching standard 1-Insufficient understanding of standard “0”-Nothing has been turned in, no judgement can be made
Grading Resources:
Writing Lab (Trimester 1) From Talking to Writing: Strategies for Scaffolding Expository Expression by Terrill Jennings
Structure of our class: Journal for 3 + sentences at the beginning of class. Whole class lesson Individual practice Feedback and/or reflection Wednesday Game Days: A variety of word/sentence games
How to do well: Weekly Progress Sheet 25 points per week for journal work +2 for journal writing at least 3 sentences +2 for notes in journal +1 for effort and participation 15 points per week for Behavior -1 for a specific behavior that interferes with learning