Incorporation of cooling-induced crystallisation into a 2-dimensional axisymmetric conduit heat flow model David Heptinstall 1, 2, Caroline Bouvet De Maisonneuve 2, Jurgen Neuberg 1, Benoit Taisne 2, Amy Collinson 1 1 Department of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom. 2 Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore
Our aim is to establish the thermal fluxes within a static magma column, during quiescence periods of 4 months and 2 years, which are representative of recorded gaps in activity between 1998 and 2010 at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (SHV) (Wadge et al., 2014). Our objectives of this study are 1)To quantify the influence of latent heat release on magma temperature evolution. 2)To establish the cooling timescales required for a magma column to cool to a crystal-rich plug (75 %), when magma is unlikely to be re-mobilised 3)To compare our estimates of latent heat of crystallisation and the extent of thermal rebound to previous studies Aims & Objectives
Methods MELTS Table 1: Normalised andesitic melt composition (Couch et al., 2003b). We used the MELTS software to calculate the latent heat generated by crystallizing melt phase, according to the bulk crystal and melt compositions. COMSOL Figure 1: The points record the temperature of the magma column within the conduit, conduit wall and host rock. Run 1: 34MPa – 18.5 MPa; 1002 o C- 847 o C; Liquidus 1000 o C Run 2: 34MPa – 9 MPa; 1002 o C- 875 o C; Liquidus 1000 o C Run 3: 25.4MPa – 10.9 MPa; 1014 o C- 869 o C; Liquidus 1014 o C Phase aMon6a groundmass composition (Couch et al., 2003a) Hydrous normalised melt used in study (at 34 MPa) Hydrous normalised melt used in study (at 25.4 MPa) SiO TiO Al 2 O Fe 2 O FeO FeO*-2.55 MnO MgO CaO Na 2 O K2OK2O H2OH2O
Methods – MELTS & COMSOL Parameters
Results – Latent Heat of Crystallisation Figure 2a (top left): Correlation between our MELTS runs and Couch et al (2003a) experimental glass, matrix and groundmass data. 25 MPa glass data sc11 and sc12 correlates with run 1. Figure 2b (top right): Latent heat (J/kg) released in all MELTS model runs vary widely from Costa et al (2007), apart from near-liquidus latent heat release in run 3. Figure 2c (bottom left): Considerable release of latent heat during early crystallisation for all model runs, with over 70% of the cumulative latent heat released prior to 30 % crystallinity. Figure 2d (bottom right): Latent heat release with magma pressure, the kinks in the gradients are indicative of changes in crystallisation. Such as albite-rich Plagioclase Feldspar, Quartz & Diopside-rich Clinopyroxene crystallisation.
Results – Thermal timescales Melt undercooling of 30 o C in run 1, 30 o C in run 2 & 44 o C in run 3. Thermal rebound of 35 o C in run 1, 35 o C in run 2 & 36 o C in run 3 at 970 o C. Cumulative latent heat release between liquidus and model convergence (87-90 wt% crystallinity). 8.69E5 J/kg*K in run 1, 9.32E5 J/kg*K in run 2, and 9.49E5 J/kg*K in run 3. Latent heat released to 970 o C (Early crystallisation): 26.1% (2.27E+05 J/kg*K) in run 1, 35.4% (3.3E+05 J/kg*K) in run 2 and 39.2% (3.72E+05 J/kg*K) in run 3. Latent heat released prior to Quartz crystallisation: 72.2% (6.27E+05 J/kg*K) in run 1, 76.4% (7.12E+05 J/kg*K) in run 2 and 73.9% (7.01E+05 J/kg*K) in run 3. Figure 3: Thermal timescales over a 10 year period in run 1. Upper magma column cooling to 875 o C (75 wt% crystallinity) is after 4.1 years, whilst the middle-lower magma column requires 11 years, where the molten magma is considered to be too crystalline for remobilisation.
Conclusion All COMSOL model runs show a thermal rebound due to latent heat release to be <40 o C for the Soufriere Hills andesite (Couch et al., 2003a;b) Latent heat of crystallisation varies significantly with pressure and temperature, thus using an arbitrary value such as 3.5E+05 J/kg (Costa et al., 2007) will not be representative for a significant pressure range. A magma crystallinity of 75 % is reached at 874 o C after 4.1 years in run 1, which is the most representative model of deeper level activity near the conduit wall based on Wadge et al (2014) observations. Due to the open system nature of most quiescence periods observed by Wadge et al (2014), our model cooling timescales appear to be slower than the observed physical volcanology. Due to the variability of latent heat release with melt composition & magma pressurisation accurate estimation of latent heat of crystallisation release within a magma column. Computational modelling of latent heat with pressure and temperature is beneficial for 2D or 3D thermal- rheological simulation models
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