Harvesting & Storing Grains
What factors determine proper time to harvest grain crops?
Plant Characteristics Stage of MaturityStage of Maturity Tendency to LodgeTendency to Lodge Tendency to ShatterTendency to Shatter
Climatic Factors RainfallRainfall HumidityHumidity TemperatureTemperature
Harvesting Methods Direct CombineDirect Combine Windrow - PickupWindrow - Pickup
What factors are used in Federal Grain Grading?
Federal Grain Grading ClassClass % damaged kernels% damaged kernels % foreign material% foreign material % other classes% other classes
What are the factors that affect grain quality?
Grain Quality Factors Purity of varietyPurity of variety % of weeds% of weeds % of diseased & damaged kernels% of diseased & damaged kernels
What factors affect the quality of stored grain?
Improperly Stored Grain High moisture contentHigh moisture content Heat damageHeat damage RottingRotting
Improperly Stored Grain Improper DryingImproper Drying Foreign Material presentForeign Material present Insect & Rodent InfestationInsect & Rodent Infestation
How can crop quality be maintained during harvest & storage?
Maintaining Crop Quality proper moisture proper moisture content Maintain storage binsMaintain storage bins Protect against pestsProtect against pests
Maintaining Crop Quality Provide proper ventillationProvide proper ventillation Secure from fire & wind damageSecure from fire & wind damage Inspect grain frequentlyInspect grain frequently
What are the methods of drying grain?
Methods of Drying Grain Forced unheated airForced unheated air Forced heated airForced heated air Field DryingField Drying