Faculty Senate Meeting January 28, 2016
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - M. Bruening, Secretary II. Approval of November 12, 2015 minutes III.Approval of November 19, 2015 minutes IV. Campus Reports and Responses V.Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI.Old Business VII.New Business and Announcements VIII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - M. Bruening, Secretary II. Approval of November 12, 2015 minutesNovember 12, 2015 III.Approval of November 19, 2015 minutesNovember 19, 2015 IV. Campus Reports and Responses V.Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI.Old Business VII.New Business and Announcements VIII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - M. Bruening, Secretary II. Approval of November 12, 2015 minutes III.Approval of November 19, 2015 minutes IV. Campus Reports and Responses V.Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI.Old Business VII.New Business and Announcements VIII.Adjourn
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem's Report, T. Schuman B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report – NO REPORT D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students – NO REPORT
President’s Report 28 January
IFC Proposed changes to retiree health benefits finalized Current retirees have new plans that were obtained from Medicare marketplace Better and/or less expensive plans for current retirees Accounting change requires booking and funding of liability Currently the unfunded liability for current retiree medical benefits is $800M Unfunded liability about $4.5B in ~25 years Retiree pension funding is unaffected
IFC Tentative retiree health benefits 1.Active employees 60 yr old + 20 years service (= 80) at retirement -> same as current retirees (new plans that were obtained from Medicare marketplace; % policy benefit) 2.Age plus service at time of change (1 Jan 2018) -> same 3.Age plus service fixed support (~$2500/yr) 4.At time of change < 5 yr service or new hire; no benefit Materials being sent soon. READ carefully. Town Hall meetings being scheduled
IFC UM System President search Curators are to conduct ‘real’ search Intend to add 4 faculty reps to committee (elected from each campus) Board engagement proposal being negotiated MO Legislature Worse environment ‘ever’ (~ 3x); avalanche of feedback Melissa Click touchpoint; not holding people accountable Out to punish MU (by line item) for inflicting racist accusations on legislature; likely hit System funding hard (Gov: 6% increase) ~130 bills pending that affect UM System Annual state audit Concealed carry on campus Posting syllabi online
IFC Post Tenure Review Initiated partly in response to MO legislature Process and practices being reviewed by IFC Seeking to provide PTR policy and/or changes in bylaws Add detail and guidance within the annual and 5 yr evaluations Add resources toward PTR rewards and faculty support I am your campus representative Teaching waivers Rolla ~ 23% faculty receive teaching waivers; Mizzou higher % IFC to integrate workload, annual review and PTR policies
Faculty Senate Faculty survey FS officers heard faculty complaints – suggested to be few individuals Officers surveyed group of senior faculty 54 faculty surveyed, face-to-face plus anonymous Results collated and distributed to senior faculty and administrators Concerns: Student enrollment growing at a rate disproportionate with resources provided Management is carried out in a fashion that neglects best practices and does not incorporate shared governance Communication and engagement with faculty on key issues remains poor Administrative units hinder rather than enable the efforts of faculty. Lengthy delays are the norm rather than exception Faculty members do not feel respected or appreciated, crisis in faculty retention Disproportionate raise pool for upper administrators Averaged 5.5%; low 1.02% (Research), high 29.7% (International affairs) Chancellor: 10% Faculty raise average: < 1.8% ; Staff average: ~1.8%
Bylaws Changes Put to Faculty Vote Changes to the bylaws were submitted for vote ~ Half of faculty (~150) had responded by 26 January Result:
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report, T. Schuman B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report – NO REPORT D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students – NO REPORT
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem's Report, T. Schuman B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report – NO REPORT D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students – NO REPORT
Provost Report Dr. Robert Marley Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor or Academic Affairs January 28, 2016
Agenda Faculty Salary Incentive Update Vice Provost for Research Dean of Engineering and Computing Graduate Fellowships Division Updates (for the record)
Faculty Salary Incentive Update Audit Complete – Posted on Provost Report link Serious non-compliance with federal law and UM System policy Disclosed to cognizant federal agency (DoEd) $1.05M repayment [working with chairs to identify options] Posted on Provost Report Link
Next Steps/Possible Outcomes Department of Justice Investigation Possible Potential for fines and sanctions Disclosed to cognizant federal agency (DoEd) Restrictions on grant submissions, restrictions on federal financial aid are possible Audit of use of gift and endowment funds under former policy has initiated in Advancement Separate compliance audit in OSP is being organized
New policy is nearing completion Faculty will have a chance to review and comment soon In meantime, all those eligible under new terms will continue to receive incentive A very few will be restricted or modified Must be 100% compliant in all applicable laws and regulations Next Steps/Possible Outcomes Continued
Vice Provost for Research Dr. Krishnamurthy has resigned effective January 25 Have sought nominations for Interim VPR Tasked a group to create concept for position going forward They will be seeking input from many constituents Other dissimination to follow National search expected to begin later this spring Concurrently, compliance audit within OSP expected to begin soon Assurance that no delays in normal processing of grant proposals
Dean of Engineering and Computing Update Acting Dean named, Dr. John Myers Earlier negotiation with Interim Dean centered aground adjusting university policies which have impact on many constituents Other college, other divisions and departments, principle investigations, etc. All of these were/are legitimate areas for future consideration Not appropriate to negotiate unilaterally
Working with CEC chairs on a tentative timeline to consider those resources and move toward next steps in this transition Next step – VCFA and I are forming a task force to examine benchmarking deans office(s) funding and related issues 1.Define responsibilities of office 2.“Right size” annual budget 3.Consideration of sources Current discretionary, recurring funds Dean of Engineering and Computing Update Continued
Graduate Fellowships Chancellor’s Fellowship (CF) Phased out; no new awards made after Fall 2015 Provost’s Fellowship (PF) To be launched in February 2016; steady state of 60 PFs ~$16,000-$24,000 annual stipend (department commitment) + tuition and fees (campus commitment) 1 year PFs (20); 2 year PFs (20); 3-4 year PFs (20) Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellowship (CDF) Launched Spring 2015 $28,000 + all tuition and fees + $1,250 travel stipend per year for 3-4 years (includes 1 year commitment from the department) Dissertation Completion Fellowship (DCF) Piloted Spring 2015, renewed for Spring 2016 (open now) $24,000 + all tuition and fees for one year for ~10 doctoral students who have passed their comps
Graduate Fellowships Update: Open Faculty Forum Open faculty forum to discuss all current and new graduate fellowships: Wednesday, February 3 –12pm-1pm –125 Butler Carlton Hall Thursday, February 4 –3pm-4pm –125 Butler Carlton Hall
Division Updates For the Record
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report, T. Schuman B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report – NO REPORT D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students – NO REPORT
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula Committee, T. Schuman B.Public Occasions C.Administrative Review D.Information Technology/Computing – NO REPORT
Campus Curricula Committee Report 1 January 2016 l CCC Meetings »1 December 2015 »12 January 2016 »2 February 2016 (upcoming) l Committee Activity »2 Degree change requests (DC forms) »27 Course change requests (CC forms) »5 Experimental course requests (EC forms)
Campus Curricula Committee Report 1 January 2016 l Degree Changes Requested »File # Biological Sciences: Biological Sciences BS »File #239.7 Information Technology: Business Analytics and Data Science Minor l Course Changes Requested : »File #4265Explosives Engineering 6050: Continuous Registration »File #1234.1Explosives Engineering 6070: Graduate Cooperative Experience »File #1911.1Mechanical Engineering 5449: Robotic Manipulators and Mechanisms »File #1903.4Metallurgical Engineering 3220: Introduction to Extractive Metallurgy »File #2009.1Physics 1119: General Physics Laboratory »File #1738.1Physics 2119: General Physics Laboratory
Campus Curricula Committee Report 1 January 2016 l Course Changes Requested (cont’d) 15th Meeting: »File #707.1Art 3221: Fundamentals in Photography »File #4276Art 3276: Thematics Studies in Film and Philosophy »File #559.1Biological Sciences 3349: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory »File #1651.1Engineering Management 6113: Advanced Personnel Management »File #401.1History 2221: Making of Modern Germany »File #1482.1History 3150: Tudor and Stuart England »File #1491.1History 3240: Contemporary Europe »File #336.1History 3280: European Migrations and Nationalism Formation »File #1417.1History 3443: The American Military Experience »File #1416.1History 3530: History of Science »File #498.1History 3660: Modern East Asia »File #562.1History 3665: History of Japan
Campus Curricula Committee Report 1 January 2016 l Course Changes Requested (cont’d) 15th Meeting: »File #1422.1History 4145: The Reformation »File #459.1History 4245: Nazi Germany and the Holocaust »File #4080.2History 4246: War and Society in Twentieth-Century Europe »File #1500.1History 4435: History of the American West »File #243.1History 4470: American Environmental History »File #1415.1History 4550: Architecture, Technology and Society; 1750 to Present »File #2045.1Political Science 3211: American Political Parties »File #179.4Political Science 3763: Contemporary Political Thought »File #1985.1Political Science 4510: The Politics of the Third World l Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions l Questions or comments?
Campus Curricula Committee Report 1 January 2016 Informational Only l Experimental Courses Requested to be Scheduled »File #4266Civil Engineering : Physicochemical Effects in Soils »File #4251Engineering Management : Financial Data Analysis »File #4267Materials Science & Engineering : Chemistry of Construction Materials »File #4268Art : Advanced Sculpture »File #4273History : Chicago: Architecture, Technology, Culture l CCC is discussing whether to recommend Business, Marketing, and Finance courses to be counted as Social Science credits.
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula Committee B.Public Occasions, S. Sedighsarvestani C.Administrative Review D.Information Technology/Computing – NO REPORT
Academic Calendar for Proposed by the Registrar Approved by the Public Occasions Committee Presented to the Faculty Senate on Jan. 28, 2016
FALL SEMESTER 2017 International Student OrientationAugust 8, Tuesday Freshman Orientation BeginsAugust 13, Sunday Transfer Student OrientationAugust 17, Thursday Open Registration EndsAugust 20, Sunday Fall semester opens 8 amAugust 21, Monday Classwork begins 8 amAugust 21, Monday Labor Day HolidaySeptember 4, Monday Mid-SemesterOctober 14, Saturday Thanksgiving vacation begins 8 amNovember 19, Sunday Thanksgiving vacation ends 8 amNovember 27, Monday Last Class DayDecember 8, Friday Final Examinations begin 7:30 amDecember 11, Monday Final Examinations end 5 pmDecember 15, Friday Fall Semester closes 6 pmDecember 15, Friday December Commencement 10 amDecember 16, Saturday All Graduate Students and Undergraduate Degrees in Arts, Business and Science December Commencement 4 pm December 16, Saturday Engineering Undergraduate Students 45
Presented to the Faculty Senate on Jan. 28, 2016 SPRING SEMESTER 2018 International Student OrientationJanuary 8, Monday Open Registration EndsJanuary 14, Sunday Martin Luther King, Jr. Recognition HolidayJanuary 15, Monday Spring semester opens 8 amJanuary 16, Tuesday Classwork begins 8 amJanuary 16, Tuesday Mid-SemesterMarch 10, Saturday Spring Recess begins 8 amMarch 15, Thursday Spring Recess ends 8 amMarch 19, Monday Spring Break begins 8 amMarch 25, Sunday Spring Break ends 8 amApril 2, Monday Last Class DayMay 4, Friday Final Examinations begin 7:30 amMay 7, Monday Final Examinations end 5 pmMay 11, Friday Spring Semester closes 6 pmMay 11, Friday May Commencement 10 amMay 12, Saturday All Graduate Students and Undergraduate Degrees in Arts, Business and Science May Commencement 4 pmMay 12, Saturday Engineering Undergraduate Students 46
Presented to the Faculty Senate on Jan. 28, 2016 SUMMER SESSION 2018 Open Registration EndsJune 3, Sunday Summer session opens 8 amJune 4, Monday Classwork begins 8 amJune 4, Monday Independence Day Holiday (observed)July 4, Wednesday Final Examinations begin 8 amJuly 26, Thursday Final Examinations end 12:30 pmJuly 27, Friday Summer Session closes 12:30 pmJuly 27, Friday Schedule shows the regular eight-week Summer Session. Other special four-week course sessions may be scheduled. 47
Presented to the Faculty Senate on Jan. 28, 2016 CLASS SESSIONS (EXCLUDING FINAL EXAMINATIONS) MTUWTHFS Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester The faculty is reminded of the religious and other holidays that a substantial number of students may wish to observe. 48
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula Committee B.Public Occasions C.Administrative Review, B. Hale D.Information Technology/Computing – NO REPORT
Administrative Review Committee Report Faculty Senate Meeting, Administrative Review of the Chancellor, Provost and CASB Dean – scheduled for Spring Semester 2016; Proposed Form: ratings on position activities; question on overall merit; place for comments. [ Position responsibilities & accomplishments will be available. Dean will be evaluated only by CASB faculty.] Report on final form: Faculty Senate Mtg. ( ) Review completed: third week of March Results to Faculty Senate Officers: first week of April
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - M. Bruening, Secretary II. Approval of November 12, 2015 minutes III.Approval of November 19, 2015 minutes IV. Campus Reports and Responses V.Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI.Old Business VII.New Business and Announcements VIII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - M. Bruening, Secretary II. Approval of November 12, 2015 minutes III.Approval of November 19, 2015 minutes IV. Campus Reports and Responses V.Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI.Old Business VII.New Business and Announcements VIII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - M. Bruening, Secretary II. Approval of November 12, 2015 minutes III.Approval of November 19, 2015 minutes IV. Campus Reports and Responses V.Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI.Old Business VII.New Business and Announcements VIII.Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn