DECA Updates for
Georgia DECA Board of Directors DirectorPositionLocation Tom SchwarzPresident, Southern RegionCamden County High School Sharon ShahanCentral Region, Past PresidentRockdale Career Academy Rhonda JohnsonPresident Elect, Eastern RegionWinder Barrow High School Joey WillsNorthwest RegionDalton High School VacantNortheast Region Jaime CarterWestern RegionSandy Creek High School Heather FullerSecretary, Central Region Newton College & Career Academy Shannon AaronExecutive DirectorGeorgia DECA Linda SmithProgram SpecialistDOE Jason WeissGMEA PresidentBibb County Schools Bob ArmbrusterBoard PresidentDECA Foundation Walter BurgessIndustry Certification Chair
Board Vacancies Northeast Southern Northwest Application available online If more than 1 candidate from each region, the region will vote per survey monkey First meeting is at Fall LDC
Welcome New DECA Advisors!
New this Year I AM DECA ICDC Academies have new names- Ignite, Elevate, Empower, Aspire, Thrive Chapter Campaigns- instead of poster will be receiving a book and tracking sheet Social Media Correspondents- students and advisors All Conference Housing goes through GA DECA-New Hotel Policy
New this Year SBE- recognize individuals- 100 question exam- cut score, not tied to academy or competition New Competitions- Financial Consulting, Personal Financial Literacy DECA Guide/Competitions have icons DECA App for Competition- 5 different exams, $3.99-gives rationale for right answer New GA & National DECA Website!
BUSINESS OPERATIONS RESEARCH EVENTS TOPIC BUSINESS OPERATIONS RESEARCH EVENTS TOPIC The 2015 topic for each career category is the development of a plan to better serve a generational group. Working with an existing business/organization of their choice, participants will research the business and its current relations with various generational demographic groups. Plans may include, but are not limited to, marketing mix revisions, customer service plans, employee training programs, workplace initiatives, or any combination of these elements..
2015 PROFESSIONAL SELLING & CONSULTING HTPS Relationship manager for an international educational tourism company. Send 50 teachers to Costa Rica to learn about Ecosystem. Meet with School System Assistant Superintendent. PSE Sales Representative of a major electronics company. Hospital is searching for a wearable technology to help its workforce be safe and healthy
2015 PROFESSIONAL SELLING & CONSULTING New Event! Financial Consulting- Financial Consultant who works with a client on improving his/her credit score
Affiliation Per the Program of Work, your chapter must be PAID and AFFILIATED by October 1, $15 state & national dues You do not have to have every member by this date, but you must be registered and affiliated This report will be forwarded to the State Department
Fall Rally Friday, October 10th Agenda: 9:30am-10:00amRegistration 10:00am-11:30amGeneral Session/Keynote 12:00pmLunch (on your own) 1:00pmFair Rides Open 1:00pmDECA Theme Speech Competition (open to spectators)
Fall Rally Individual Theme Speech Event (Top 10) – 1 st Place- $150, Plaque, Ribbon – 2 nd Place- $100, Ribbon – 3 rd Place- $75, Ribbon – 4 th Place- $50, Ribbon – 5 th Place- $25, Ribbon – 6 th – 10 th Place- Ribbon
Fall Rally Chapter T-shirt Design(Top 10) – 1 st Place- $150, Plaque, Ribbon – 2 nd Place- $100, Ribbon – 3 rd Place- $75, Ribbon – 4 th Place- $50, Ribbon – 5 th Place- $25, Ribbon – 6 th – 10 th Place- Ribbon
Fall Rally Brochure Event-Membership or Community Service (Top 10) – 1 st Place- $150, Plaque, Ribbon – 2 nd Place- $100, Ribbon – 3 rd Place- $75, Ribbon – 4 th Place- $50, Ribbon – 5 th Place- $25, Ribbon – 6 th – 10 th Place- Ribbon
Fall Leadership Development Conference October 23-24, 2014 (Renaissance Waverly, Atlanta, GA) – Pre-Conference Workshops – Leadership Villages – Statesman Test (no charge!, must score 90%) – Membership Recruitment Competition 1 st Place- Plaque & 1 ICDC Slot 2 nd Place- Plaque & 1 ICDC Slot 3 rd Place- Plaque & 1 ICDC Slot – Leadership Workshops – VIP Reception for Legislators and Special Guests
Sports Events Business of Baseball- Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Day with the Atlanta Falcons- Sunday, November 30, 2014 Atlanta Hawks Marketing Series- TBD
Power Trip November 21-23, 2014 Washington D.C. –Learning Labs –Competitive Events –Advisor Professional Development –Night Tour of D.C. –College & Career Exhibits
Georgia Only Testing Events November 13-19, 2014 Online Testing, Top 10 earn slots to ICDC Cost- $5 per student At Home School, Students test only once, limit 1 test per student Tests –Advertising Services –Buying & Merchandising –Entrepreneurship –Free Enterprise Economics –Marketing Math –Selling
Region Competition Online Testing January 15-21, 2015 Testing opens 8am on January 15 th and closes at 5pm on January 21st Region Hosts will receive results by 8am on January 22 nd Region Competition- January 22,23, or 24 Events- Principles, Individual Series, and Personal Financial Literacy (new), Job Interview, Business Speech Role Plays will take place at Region Competition. Need Region Hosts Cost- $8 for state fee plus region fee
State Online Testing January 27-29, 2015 Results will be sent out before State CDC Early Bird Deadline Events: –Principles of Business & Admin (Top 20) –Individual Series (Top 20) –Team Decision Making (Top 15) –Marketing Representative Events –Professional Selling & Consulting –Personal Financial Literacy (Top 20)
State CDC February 26-28, 2015(Hyatt Regency Atlanta) Schedule Same as Last year New: Administrator Day State CDC website page will be available by August 1 st. New Penalty Point Checklist
ICDC April 25-28, 2015 $120 Registration Fee Hotel information and details will be given at Fall LDC & Power Up
Georgia DECA Foundation It is IMPERATIVE that advisors, chapters, alumni, and parents support the Foundation! Incentives: With a $25 donation… – The chapter will receive (1) extra competitor slot to be used at region or state You can receive (1) slot for an advisor donation and (1) slot for a chapter donation for a total of (2) slots – The chapter members will be eligible to apply for needs scholarships
GMEA Membership Incentive Each advisor that is a PAID and CURRENT member of ACTE/GACTE/GMEA will receive (2) extra competitor slots for their chapter to use at region or state competition You must be PAID and CURRENT through March 1, 2015 Please check your membership to see if it is coming up for renewal so you don’t miss out! Deadline to renew membership or join for extra competitor slots is December 1, 2014