Phi Theta Kappa Beta of Texas Chapter 2015
Executive Board President: Samantha Wiley, Business, Senior Vice President: Quiarrie Jones, Psychology, Junior Secretary: Keyana Freeman,, Senior Treasurer: Elease Washington, Human Resources, Junior
What’s in a name? PTK: Rho=P Tau=T and Kappa=K (Rho Tau Kappa).. We are Phi Theta Kappans. Blue represents scholarship. Gold signifies purity. The Flower of the Society is the white rose signifying intellectual friendships. The handshake is the Phi Theta Kappa Hug
4 Hallmarks Scholarship - learning of a high level Leadership -the action of leading a group of people or an organization
4 Hallmarks Continued… Fellowship -friendly association, esp. with people who share one's interests. Service -the action of helping or doing work for someone
Mission The Beta of Texas chapter here at Sam Houston State is one of the original charter members of the Alumni association and has a rich history of supporting incoming transfer students. Beta of Texas is looking to enhance every aspect of the transfer student’s experience. We sponsor events not only for Phi Theta Kappa Alumni, but for all transfer students and others simply wanting to be involved in community and school endeavors. We are an alumni chapter with a rich history and new visions. We would like to increase community interaction, school-wide participation in events, and bring together the “cream of the crop” from two-year institutes.
Benefits Scholarships Leadership Opportunities Recognition by wearing Phi Theta Kappa Commencement Regalia during college graduation and other official ceremonies Increased pay grade for entry level federal jobs Opportunity to become part of a network of over 2.5 million fellow scholars and servant leaders on more than 1,270 campuses worldwide Networking Opportunities Free Scantron's!!
Committees Fundraising The Fundraising committee will be responsible for coordinating and running (signup sheets), and supplying all fundraisers for PTK. They will need to work closely with the Treasure to insure accurate account of money in and out of the organization. Social The Social Committee will be in charge of making proper reservations and setting up socials. They will also be needed to provide the Executive board with plans for approval before making arrangements. The selection of the location, food, drink, and decorations, of events will be through the social committee. Meeting & Advertisement This committee will be in charge of making sure that all members are aware of every event. They will also work closely with the Fundraising and Social committee to make sure the college is aware of our events. We want the college to know about PTK so we can grow with the growing population of transfer students.
Committees continued…. Historian Members of this Committee will be responsible for taking pictures at every event so we can keep our posters and fliers up to date with familiar faces. We will have a slideshow playing at our end of the year banquet that will need to feature all of the events we did throughout the semester. Leadership The leadership Committee will consist of three PTK members that will assist each of the members of the Executive board (President, VP and Treasure). They will be responsible for being the go to person for each of the executive members. They will be highly encouraged to attend any or all of the Executive Board meetings. This committee might require an interview with the executive board. Mentoring This Committee will consist of members who have completed at least one semester at SHSU. They will assist new members in getting settled into life at SHSU. The number of mentors needed will depend on the number of new members. We will also be open to other transfer students that are not members and would like a mentor. There will be an interview process in order to try and best match mentors and mentees. Please let us know if you’re interested in becoming a mentor.
Civic Engagement Initiatives Good Shepherd Mission Faith based organization meeting basic human needs. Counseling and referral, food bank, thrift store, hot meals, temporary lodging, and transient assistance.
Civic Engagement Initiatives Hospitality House The Hospitality House is a facility serving the physical and spiritual needs of prison families by providing temporary lodging and food.
Sponsored Events!! Pie Eating Contest Socials Christmas Party Fine Arts Show
Transfer Orientation and Org Fair
Volunteering Robotics Competition Family Faith Halloween Extravaganza Golden Key Induction Ceremony Scare on the Square Fair on the Square
Bake Sale and Off Campus Social
End of the Semester Christmas Party/Gift Drive
REQUIREMENTS: Semester 1 10 Hours Community Service The Big Five Personality Test Resume 6 Online/ Virtual Meetings Dues T-Shirt Form Membership Application ON CAMPUS!! ONLINE!! ALL OTHER SEMESTERS 10 Hours Community Service 6 Online/ Virtual Meetings Dues We will additional activities Senior Graduating Member 10 Hours Community Service 6 Online/ Virtual Meetings Dues Medallion Dinner Application Exit Evaluation Semester 1 3 Meetings 6 Community Service Hours 1 PTK Social 1 PTK Gathering (Ex. Football Game, Group; Dinner, etc.) 1 Workshop (not related to PTK) 3 Bake Sales Dues T-Shirt Form Membership Application MOCK INTERVIEW *In order to receive your Medallion on Graduation, shirt for following semester, and classification as an “Active Member”, the requirements must be completed and turned in at the end of every semester. ALL OTHER SEMESTERS 3 Meetings 6 Community Service Hours 1 PTK Social 1 PTK Gathering (Ex. Football Game, Group; Dinner, etc.) 1 Workshop (not related to PTK) 3 Bake Sales Dues Senior Graduating Member 3 Meetings 6 Community Service Hours 1 PTK Social 1 PTK Gathering (Ex. Football Game, Group; Dinner, etc.) 1 Workshop (not related to PTK) 3 Bake Sales Dues Medallion Dinner Application Exit Evaluation
Thanks… A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead