Project on Organising Domestic Workers in Delhi/NCR by Aldeena Raju
BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION The number of domestic workers in the country is approximately 4.2 million according to studies conducted (2004– 05) but it is much more in reality. Delhi has a large number of domestic workers. Most are girls and women in the age group of 20–35 and there are also a number of children (age group 12+) who are engaged as domestic workers. Most of the workers have migrated or been trafficked from the states of Bihar, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. There are many agencies working to recruit such female workers who come from remote villages and belong to very poor families. Poverty is the main reason for sending children and girls to work as domestic servants and most of them are exploited at the workplace, which includes sexual abuse.
BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION (contd.) The main problem is to identify and organise such workers as they are scattered individually and placed in different houses without any freedom to express their difficulties. If the ILO Convention on Domestic Workers (C-189) as adopted in 2011 is ratified by India, it would be great relief to such workers. The INTUC took initiative and pressurised the Indian Government to support the Convention. It also campaigned for ratification of this Convention at the earliest. To take the campaign forward and organise the domestic workers, an immediate targeted plan of action is required. A household survey of domestic workers may help in this regard. The INTUC has already been working towards organising domestic workers, especially in south India. With the vast number of domestic workers in Delhi/NCR, it is imperative that a similar plan be initiated there.
‘No formal contracts ensuring an employer-employee relationship, lack of organisation, poor bargaining power, no legislative protection, and inadequate welfare measures with no provision for weekly holidays, maternity leave and health benefits are the some of the key issues that need to be addressed. This lack of regulation has led to countless violations of domestic workers’ rights, including working hours ranging between 8 and 18 hours and the absence of any job security. Domestic workers invariably represent the more marginalized communities in society. Prejudice and bias related to social status is reflected very strongly at the workplace for many domestic workers. Female domestic workers, especially those who live in their employer’s home, are vulnerable to sexual abuse’. -Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) WORKING CONDITIONS
TIMEFRAME The project should tentatively take a year to complete.
TARGET GROUP The target group is domestic workers in and around Delhi/NCR. The main partners of the project could be the state branch of the INTUC and the women’s committee with technical support from the ILO area office. The expertise of NGOs who have already been working in this field (e.g., SEWA-Delhi and Kamalini) could also be consulted. The INTUC women’s committee can engage a coordinator for the project. Other unions working in the same field could also be coordinated with.
DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The domestic workers inDelhi/NCR would be leading a decent living with better wages and good living condition. IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVES By the end of one year, there would be data showing the number of workers in Delhi/NCR engaged as domestic workers, their gender, their brief bio-data, living standards and needs, etc. A more concrete idea of the size of the domestic workforce in Delhi/NCR can be obtained.
KEY OUTPUTS/DIRECT RESULTS The survey results will help the organisation to take immediate decision and action to organise the domestic workers in Delhi/NCR and bring them into the trade union fold.
ACTIVITIES Present proposal for the project to the National Centre of the INTUC. Coordinate with the women’s committee and the state branch of the INTUC and decide on volunteers. Prepare survey questions. Print and distribute leaflets, handbills by giving sufficient information on the rights of the domestic workers. The leaflets will be printed in the different regional languages in order to help the domestic worker have access to this information. The Regional Committees of INTUC can help with the translation. Do area-wise survey and collect data on domestic workers in Delhi/NCR.
ACTIVITIES (contd.) Create awareness among domestic workers about their rights through self-help groups. Coordinate with NGOs to reach out to them. Create awareness in the employers about the importance of rights for the domestic workers through volunteers and self- help groups. Educate the employers about the rights of domestic workers and encourage them to support their worker to join the union.
MAIN INPUTS Engage and train volunteers to conduct the survey. Financial support needed to engage volunteers and produce campaign materials. Coordinate with NGOs working with domestic workers and other unions in Delhi working in the same field. Contact other unions working in the field of domestic workers in Delhi and work in collaboration.
MANAGEMENT OF RISKS Potential RiskPossible Response Risk 1Non-cooperation from employers It could delay the process slightly or make data unavailable for some households. Risk 2Non-cooperation from domestic workers due to fear It could delay the process slightly or make data unavailable for some households Risk 3Non-availability of volunteers to do the work It could delay the survey. Risk 4No source of funding It could delay the survey until funding can be arranged for.
MANAGEMENT OF RISKS (contd.) Potential RiskPossible Response Risk 5Non-cooperation from other unions The project will have to move forward without their participation Risk 6Non-cooperation from NGOs Other NGOs may be approached. Or the project may be taken forward without their help.
MONITORING/REPORTING/EVALUATION PROCEDURES There could be quarterly evaluation of the project by a team of members from the INTUC women’s committee. Joint evaluation and six-monthly progress reports by both INTUC and partner NGOs.