HOUSING LINKAGE FEES What is a housing linkage fee? Linkage fees are adopted by cities to finance affordable housing and are generally charged per square foot of new building and sometimes for major remodels and additions. Linkage fees can be charged on both commercial and residential structures. Cities in California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Washington, and Oregon use these fees to fund affordable housing. Denver and Philadelphia are in the process of adopting housing linkage fees. The fee are typically $1-$6 per square foot, but are as high $20 per foot in very expensive cities like San Francisco. The fees are usually paid at building permit. Austin for All
HOUSING LINKAGE FEES How much could be raised annually? In 2015 there were roughly 30 million square feet of new structures built excluding remodels and additions. A reasonable $2 per foot fee on all building types would raise $60 million annually. $600 million is possible over a decade. In comparison the 2 housing bond issues raised $120 million over the last decade. The Pilot Knob utility fee waiver generates about $3 million annually. The use of property taxes from once exempt property raises several hundred thousand annually. Austin for All
HOUSING LINKAGE FEES What is process to adopt a legally justifiable fee? The city hires a consultant that prepares a two prong “nexus study.” The first prong analyses number the of new employees, earnings of the employees, the affordability gap between earnings and market rate housing. This prong calculates a legally justifiable fee. The second prong sets the practical limit of the fee given development economics to ensure the fee doesn’t impact growth. The fee is usually adjusted annually with inflation. A new nexus study is prepared periodically to recalculate the fee. Austin for All
HOUSING LINKAGE FEES How is the fee used? The fee is placed into a dedicated trust fund to be used for building, acquiring or preserving affordable housing. The city would set the policy for how and where the money is spent. Because the city controls the fund it could require permanent affordable housing at deeper levels. It could require larger family sized units. It could dictate where affordable housing is built. Austin for All
HOUSING LINKAGE FEES What are the advantages of the fee? The fee is fair and spread over all building types, not just apartments. Because of the large base a small fee raises substantial money. Developers have certainty compared to ad-hoc negotiations on every zoning case. New development pays. The fee has no impact of property taxes or utility rates. The administration is simpler and easier to monitor than density bonuses. The City has greater control over the product, location, the depth of affordability, and length of affordability. Planning/zoning decisions are based on best planning and not distorted by the need for affordable housing. Austin for All