Institute for Additional Professional Education of Workers for Social Services, Moscow, Russia Institute for Additional Professional Education of Workers for Social Services, Moscow, Russia
Research-educational cluster in Social Welfare 65 short-term and long-term professional development curricula 13 curricula of professional retraining 3 postgraduate programmes Research and publishing activities 50 thousand employees of Moscow social services as well as professionals from 26 Regions of Russia have an access to practically oriented professional development based on modern informative and educational techniques in IAPE WSS of Moscow Innovative pilot settings 3
THEME OF ACTIVITY The experts from Europe will present legislative and standard framework, the defining observances of basic guarantees of social protection, political measures in the field of social security, strategy of expansion of coverage of social security in relation to the vulnerable groups of population, people with disabilities, senior generation, emigrants and also the persons occupied in formal and informal economy. The special focus will be put on actual general social problems related to the ICSW European Region. Participation in the Summit of experts from Europe including the experts from Eurasian Region will provide an opportunity to define the strategic regional directions of development of social protection of the population in the international context. 4
SUMMIT CONTEXT The important place in the Summit program will be allocated to problems of development of social partnership, problems of shearing responsibility by the state, business and society in observance of human rights, prevention of an inequality, social isolation and social vulnerability, all types of discrimination, promotion of gender equality, analyses of peculiarities and similarities of migration process. 5
RELEVANCE FOR ICSW EUROPE Strengthening of the national ICSW member organizations; Development of regional cooperation within membership of ICSW; Stimulation of development and implementation of joint research and practical regional and interregional projects in development of basic guarantees of social security and improvement of models of social protection of the vulnerable groups of the population; The association of efforts of politicians, NGOs, scientists and practitioners in the field of social work aimed to meet the needs of targeted groups at national and regional context. Development of indicators for carrying out monitoring and the analysis of development and strengthening of Social Protection Floors at the national level; Carrying out educational campaigns at the national level for illumination of a role of social sector in social and economic development of society and growth of social welfare of its members; Improvement of quality of life of targeted groups of the population: the elderly, large families; the families which are bringing up disabled children; disabled people; unemployed; emigrants and displaced persons; the children at risk. 6
EXPECTED RESULTS 1.Preparing and adoption of the Summit Resolution as the recommendation to professional sector at national and regional level. 2.Preparation and publishing of Summit proceedings. 3.Publicizing of the Summit in mass media of Moscow, the Russian Federation and abroad. 7
Government of The RF Moscow and Regional social welfare authorities Experts and social work professionals, representatives of NGOs sector from Europe, Russian regions, CIS Total number of participants 250 people Total number of participants 250 people 8
SUMMIT SCHEDULE 2 days Program: 18 th of May - Penal Discussion 19 th of May – Focus Workshops/ afternoon visits to Moscow social services Working languages : English and Russian Summit Social Program: 18 th of May - Welcome Reception 19 th of May - Opera House/Moscow Conservatory 20 th - 21 st of May – Sightseeing: Moscow Kremlin + Red Square Moscow River boat tour The Cathedral of Christ the Savior + The Arbat Bus tour to Summer Residence of Russian Royal Family 9
Moscow Institute for Additional Professional Education of Workers for Social Services 10, 1 st Basmanny side street, Moscow, , Russian Federation Telephone: +7 (495) Internet: Contact person: Natalia Riginawww.soc-education.ru 10