Somatoform Disorder Karl Gambito Period 1
Brief summary When you feel pain, and nothing physical is causing it, you are going through somatoform disorder. A type of disease this is characterized under it is hypochondria. When you’re fearful and precautious. You usually deal with: Depression, anxiety, pains, ect.
Meaning of Somatoform Disorder Somatoform disorder is having pains when nothing physical happened.
Somatoform Disorder & Hypochondria Somatoform disorder is feeling pains when nothing physically happened, Some pains are: chest pains, headaches, stomach aches, ect. Another similar disorder is hypochondria. Hypochondria is fear of precaution with one’s health. The symptoms are usually stress related or psychological. It is important to be educated about Somatoform disorder, because they could really hurt their selves by, overdosing on pain killers, and many more.
Story Juanita, Juanita is convinced she has a illness. She checks her temperature, and reads magazines about her problems. She sees the school nurse once a week complaining about: chest pains, headaches, stomach aches, ect. She blames these problems on her poor school performance. The nurse tells her nothing physically is wrong with her. Juanita does not believe her. Juanita is going through hypochondria.
Opinion I feel that this topic is good to know about if you’re going through these problems. Remember if you’re feeling: chest pains, headaches, stomach aches, ect. It’s usually stress related and psychological.
Summary Somatoform disorder is a feeling of pains such as: chest pains, headaches, stomach aches, ect. A related disorder is hypochondria. Hypochondria is a fear of disease and preoccupation with ones health. It is usually stress related, and psychological.