Somatoform Disorder Danica Balisi Period 2
It’s about... The Somatoform disorder (also known as the Briquette's syndrome) is a mental disorder. The medical tests are usually normal or they don’t explain the symptoms at all. People who has this disorder get worried because doctors are unable to find anything that causes their health problems. And this may last for several years…..
Main Idea… The main Idea of this section talks about the somatoform disorder & what’s its causes and symptoms.
Definition :] A mental disorder in which a person complains of physical symptoms for which no underlying physical cause can be found.
For Example: You can have headaches, stomachaches, backaches & other aches, but there are no possible results for this disorder. [they usually confuse it with hypochondria.]And this may also affect your sight…
Continued… A hypochondria is a condition in which a person believes that he or she is ill when no objective signs of illness can be observed.
Picture examples…
Story to tell… Juanita has convinced that she is about to become seriously ill. She takes her temperature everyday and reads health magazines for symptoms of major illness. At least once a week, she complains to the school nurse of chest pains, headaches, or stomach aches. The nurse tells Juanita that there’s nothing wrong, but Juanita does not believe them………..
In my opinion….. I think this disorder isn’t as bad as others disorders, but the only problem is that you don’t really know what’s going on with your body because this disorder is asymptomatic. * asymptomatic means that you are unable to find what causes your aches.
Summarize My section is about the Somatoform disorder, a mental disorder that cannot be identified. Many people suffer from this and they may not know what’s causing their headaches, stomachaches, and more.