B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 1 B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida Select Committee on 2+2 Articulation Jan Ignash, Vice Chancellor for Academic & Student Affairs Presentation to HECC April 26, 2016
B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 2 Select Committee on 2+2 Articulation Created by Board of Governors’ Chairman Tom Kuntz to: o Review the current status of 2+2 Articulation o Identify any existing barriers to transfer of A.A. graduates o Identify policies and strategies that the State University System can adopt to ensure continued success Chair: Governor Alan Levine; Vice Chair: Governor Wendy Link o Other Members: Huizenga, Lautenbach, Stewart, Tripp First meeting was March 17, 2016: o Overview of state-level 2+2 Articulation Policies and processes o Review of State University System data o Consideration of the Select Committee work plan
B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 3 Associate of Arts (AA) transfer students are a significant source of SUS enrollments over the past five years. AA transfers average more than a quarter of total SUS enrollments o 70,235 in Fall 2014 Percent applied and admitted has remained approx. 84% Nine out of ten apply to only one state university. o True for both those admitted and those denied. More than 1/3 of FCS AA graduates each year do not apply for admission to a state university. SOURCE: BOG staff analysis, Tables 1 – 3B, 3/10/16. Available at pdfbl pdf 2+2 Admissions Data
B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 4 Proportion of men (45%) and women (55%) AA transfer students closely mirrors FTIC students in the SUS. Hispanic students are a growing percentage of both FTIC (25% in 2015) and AA transfer (33%) students. Average age of AA transfer students is almost 26 years old, while average age of FTIC students is 20. SOURCE: Board of Governors staff analysis, Tables 4 – 6, 3/10/16. Available at: nts_JMI.pdf nts_JMI.pdf 2+2 Student Demographics
B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 5 The SUS graduation rates for AA transfer students have remained fairly constant in recent years. AA transfer 2-year graduation rates are significantly lower than the FTIC 4-year graduation rates. o 27% vs. 44% most recent calculation AA transfer 4-year graduation rates are much closer to the FTIC 6-year graduation rate. o 68% vs. 71% most recent calculation The FTIC graduation rates (4-year and 6-year) have steadily increased 5 to 6% points in the past five years. SOURCE: Board of Governors staff analysis, Tables 7 – 8. 3/10/2016. Available at: ints_JMI.pdf ints_JMI.pdf 2+2 Graduation Data
B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 6 Questions Suggested by Data Why are 1/3 of AA graduates not applying to the SUS? Continuing at FCS or transferring into independents, out- of-state? Financial aid concerns? Decided not to pursue a higher degree? Is AA transfer becoming more common as an access strategy for minority students? Does the older age (26) and high percentage (90%) applying to only one university indicate that AA transfers are place- bound?
B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 7 Next Steps Review university level policies and procedures that address 2+2 Articulation Coordinate with the Florida College System to identify issues and concerns that occur across both systems Continue to analyze available data to identify what appears to be working well and what can be improved Identify strategies that the Board of Governors and universities should consider implementing to improve 2+2 articulation
B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida 8 B OARD of G OVERNORS State University System of Florida