Famous British People
is the greatest British architect made a plan for the reconstruction of St. Paul's Cathedral in London presented a plan for rebuilding the city of London after the Great fire designed and supervised the rebuilding of 51 city churches. Each church was different, but all were classical in style. was responsible for Tom Tower at Christ's Church, Oxford, the library at Trinity College, and the Royal Hospital at Chelsea. Sir Christopher Wren
John Constable one of the most famous British artists sold only 20 paintings in his lifetime, and was never recognized in his homeland while he was alive. loved the countryside, and his best work was of outdoor scenes in his native Suffolk and his London home in Hampstead worked in the open air, though he returned to his studio to finish his paintings.
George Stephenson started as an engineman developed a new safety lamp that would not explode when used near the highly flammable gasses found in the mines. built Stockton and Darlington line linking West Durham and Darlington with the River Tees. formed the first locomotive building company in the world, was chief engineer for many British railway companies constantly innovated and improved his engines and the tracks.
Alexander Graham Bell was interested in working with the deaf for all his life opened a school for teachers of the deaf and then became a professor at Boston University In 1876, he patented his invention – the telephone had the right to be the only one to produce telephones in the U.S. for 19 years developed a method of making phonograph records on a wax disc made an iron breathing lung, and a device for locating icebergs at sea and the metal detector
Robert Burns his first love inspired him to try his hand at poetry the first published work of poetry was "Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect" contributed over 150 songs, including "Auld Lang Syne", a reworking of an earlier folk song of unknown origin gained more fame after his death than he ever did during his lifetime. many of his songs and poems have become international favourites
Alexander Fleming served throughout World War I as a captain in the Army Medical Corps was elected Professor of Bacteriology at the School in was the first to notice the antibiotic properties of moulds and fungi Invented penicillin
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Match picture –person –phrase was a great British artist Alexander Fleming Robert Burns George Stephenson John Constable Christopher Wren his poems became international favourites rebuilt 51 churches in London invented penicillin built the steam locomotive Alexander Bell invented the telephone back
Who could have it? 2 Alexander Fleming 4 John Constable 1 George Stephenson 6 Christopher Wren 5 Alexander Graham Bell 3 back