Mental Health First Aid Dutiful Daughters
What is Mental Health? The World Health Organization has defined mental health as: “… a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community.” Mental Health Illness and Mental Health Problems People with a mental health problem will not have a diagnosis such as the people with Mental Health Illness who have a diagnosis (explained in the next slide). Mental Health problems are when people experience symptoms of mental health illness that is not severe enough to warrant a diagnosis, Kitchener, Jorm and Kelly (2013).
Types of Mental Illness “Mental Illness is a diagnosable illness”
First Aid for Mental Health ACTION PLAN Approach, assess and assist with any crisis Listen non-judgementally Give support and information Encourage appropriate professional help Encourage other supports “ Mental health first aid is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem, or in a mental health-related crisis, until appropriate professional treatment is received or the crisis resolves, ” Kitchener, Jorm and Kelly (2013).
Supporting Clients with Mental Health Issues Breathing exercises Mindfulness “Mindfulness does not eliminate thoughts or emotions; rather, one is less likely to get caught up in them,” Barker, P (2008) yoga swimming Exercise Research has shown that exercise is a useful tool in improving mental health conditions such as depression, Anshel (2006). walking
Client and Worker Safety When crisis occurs G.P helpline/ online resources SUPPORTS Family DDS office staff Call for assistance STRATEGIES calm tone of voice ALGEE
Resources Help Lines: Mental Health Line: Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling and Crisis Support Chat: Websites: Books: Kitchener, Jorm and Kelly (2013), Mental Health First Aid Manual, Third Edition, Mental Health First Aid, Australia Kabat-Zinn (2012) Mindfulness for Beginners, reclaiming the present moment and your life, Sounds True, Inc, Colorado. Events: Healthy Conversations – Physical + Mental = Health Guest Speaker – Joel Pilgrim OT - OneWave Thursday 5 th May – 6.30pm Dutiful Daughters Office
References Mental Health First Aid International - World Health Organisation (2014) - accessed 30 th March 2016http:// Anshel (2006), Applied Exercise Psychology, A Practitioners Guide to Improving Client Health and Fitness, Springer Publishing Company, New York. Barker, Phil, (2008), Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: The Craft of Caring, Second Edition, Taylor and Francis Group, Florida. Kitchener, Jorm and Kelly (2013), Mental Health First Aid Manual, Third Edition, Mental Health First Aid Australia, Victoria.