Welcome to wellness day!
Resident Wellness 1. UofT Office of Resident Wellness: University Avenue, Suite 501 Check out their wellness booklet! Confidential short-term counselling Offers counseling, workshops on various mental health related topics (such as stress management, fatigue and mindfulness) and links to other resources. “Red Button” Provides links to resources for residents in various types of personal crises. RESOURCES:
2. CMA Centre for Physician Health and Wellbeing Healthy Practices is a new podcast series on physician health and wellness hosted by internationally respected psychiatrist Dr. Mamta Gautam 3. PARO 24-hour Distress Helpline HELP-DOC ( ). Confidential, untraceable, partnered with Distress Centres of Toronto. Resident Wellness
1.Practice safe sleep 2.Exercise (15% off from GoodLife – PARO partnership) 3.Eat well (ask an RD for free M-F 9am-5pm Record your call stipends in POWER 5.See your dentist (85%), masseur, physiotherapist, acupuncturist, psychologist, podiatrist, optometrist ($250)…etc) 6.File your taxes (MD Financial library/document/en/practice-management-and- wellness/tax-tips-2016.pdf) 1.Practice safe sleep 2.Exercise (15% off from GoodLife – PARO partnership) 3.Eat well (ask an RD for free M-F 9am-5pm Record your call stipends in POWER 5.See your dentist (85%), masseur, physiotherapist, acupuncturist, psychologist, podiatrist, optometrist ($250)…etc) 6.File your taxes (MD Financial library/document/en/practice-management-and- wellness/tax-tips-2016.pdf) PARO Tips
Misc CMA Health Practices Podcasts Series “Treating the doctor patient” “The many layers of the healthy doc” physician.aspx International Conference on Physician Health Sept 18-20, 2016 in Boston, MA Annual collaboration of AMA, CMA, BMA looking at promoting healthier medical culture for physicians’ health: recent findings, innovative methods and support systems, and educational programs CMA Health Practices Podcasts Series “Treating the doctor patient” “The many layers of the healthy doc” physician.aspx International Conference on Physician Health Sept 18-20, 2016 in Boston, MA Annual collaboration of AMA, CMA, BMA looking at promoting healthier medical culture for physicians’ health: recent findings, innovative methods and support systems, and educational programs
Upcoming Initiatives at SMH Questions? Suggestions? We want to hear from you!