Hello. My name is Suk Joon Kang. I will talk about the body system.
(1)The respiratory system What parts are in the respiratory system? Answer: The nose, mouth and trachea, diaphragm, right lung, left lung is in respiratory system.
What happens When people Inhale? Answer: Oxygen moves in through the nose and mouth. Oxygen moves through the trachea. Oxygen moves into the lungs and it moves from the lungs.. Oxygen moves into the bloo d. Oxygen moves to the heart. Oxy gen moves all through the body.
What happens When people Exhale? Answer: Carbon dioxide moves from the body, the blood, the lungs, t he mouth and the nose. Carbon dioxide moves through the trachea. Carbon dioxide moves into the air.
(2)The circulatory system What parts does the circulatory system have? Answer : Blood, heart is in the circulatory system. Blood vessels are in the circulatory sy stem. Capillaries are very small blood vess els. Capillaries connect veins with ar teries.
Why is the circulatory system important? Answer: The heart moves the blood. Blood moves to the body. Blood carries nutrients, oxygen and water.
What helps the circulatory system stay healthy? Answer: Exercise and healthy food help the circulatory system. Sleep lets the heart rest. Healthy food helps the heart.
(3)The nervous system What are the parts of the nervous system? Answer: The brain is important to the nervous system. The brain stem controls some body functions. The spinal cord is nerves. Nerves carry messages to and from the body. The nervous system has billions of nerve cells.
Why Is the nervous system important? Answer: Your nervous system helps you learn, remember, move and protect you.
(4)The skeleton Skull protects your brain. Ribs make the shape of your chest and protect heart, lungs, stomach, liver. Femur helps to hold you up. A baby has more than 300 bone s, an adult has only 206.
(5)The digestive system What are the parts of the digestive system? Answer: The mouth, saliva, the esophagus, the stomach, intestines ar e part of the digestive system.
(6) The Muscles Without muscles, people would just lie there and do nothing at all. Which of these body parts are made mostly of muscles? Tongue, heart, lips, stomach
What Parts Are in The Respiratory System? What Happens When People Inhale? What Happens When People Exhale? nose mouth trachea diaphragm right lung left lung Oxygen moves in through the nose. Oxygen moves in through the mouth. Oxygen moves through the trachea. Oxygen moves into the lungs. Oxygen moves from the lungs. Oxygen moves into the blood. Oxygen moves to the heart. Oxygen moves all through the body. Carbon dioxide moves from the body. Carbon dioxide moves from the blood. Carbon dioxide moves to the lungs. Carbon dioxide moves through the trachea. Carbon dioxide moves from the mouth. Carbon dioxide moves from the nose. Carbon dioxide moves into the air.
What Parts Does the Circulatory System Have? What Helps the Circulatory System Stay Healthy? Why Is the Circulatory System Important? moves blood carries nutrients carries oxygen carries water blood heart blood vessels veins arteries capillaries exercise sleep healthy food
Why Is the Digestive System Important? What Are the Parts of the Nervous System? Why Is the Nervous System Important? What Are the Parts of the Digestive System? brain brain stem spinal cord nerves helps you learn helps you move protects you helps you remember mouth esophagus stomach intestines helps you get energy helps you get nutrients