Dark Circles: Causes And Cure Beauty Tips
Dark Circles: Did You Ever Think Why You Get Them? 4 Allergies? Nasal Congestion? Deficiency of Vitamins? Dehydration? Lack of Sleep? The first thing you need to do to combat the problem is find out the source. Here’s a quick dermatologist trick to determine what might be causing dark circles.
Allergens Causing Dark Eye Circles Airborne allergens include indoor dust mites, mold spores, and pollen from grasses, deciduous trees and weeds. Particularly potent allergic weeds include ragweed, tumbleweed, lamb's quarters, redroot pigweed and sagebrush. Food allergies can contribute to the problem as well, in particular allergies to dairy products, wheat, yeast and soy products. It may be necessary to experiment with eliminating one of these at a time from one's diet and noting whether dark eye circles clear up when a particular type of food is stopped. Solutions: For dark circles caused by airborne allergens, a physician may prescribe antihistamine pills to clear up the problem. Some home cures can be tried, including applying cold under the eyes with either a cold compress or the convex sides of two teaspoons that have been kept in the freezer.
Cold or Sinus Infection Could Be The Reason of Dark Circles Superficial blood vessels in the skin can lead to dark circles under the eyes. A cold or sinus infection increases pressure on these blood vessels, which makes it even more likely that dark circles will appear. Also, if your skin becomes pale due to a cold or sinus infection (or because of fatigue, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.), dark circles will be accentuated. Use a humidifier or vaporizer. Drink lots of fluids Use a nasal saline spray Use warm compresses on your face Avoid chlorinated pools Use distilled, sterile or previously boiled water to make up the irrigation solution. Solution
Deficiency of Vitamins Can Cause You Dark Circles When the capillaries are weak the weakness can result from nutritional deficiencies. Serious causes of weakness can result from vitamin C deficiency and / or high blood pressure. The capillaries of people deficient in vitamin C tend to hemorrhage (rupture), which resulted in the tendency to bruise easily and in wounds inability to heal People deficient in vitamin C should take a daily supplement. Vitamin C is not built up nor stored in the body. The excess that is not absorbed passes out the body through urine. Also do not take vitamin C alone or else a very minimum amount of it will be absorbed. Daily take calcium and magnesium supplements with vitamin C. These three vitamins work together to help each other get absorbed in the system. Calcium, and magnesium help the body absorb a maximum amount of vitamin C. Solution:
Dark Circle Due To Dehydration Dehydration is another environmental cause for those unsightly dark circles under the eyes. If your body does not have a sufficient amount of fluids it can cause a decrease in circulation; poor circulation causes the blood vessels in the eyes to look much more noticeable. When you are hydrated, you are less likely to develop dark circles underneath the eyes. Water also helps flush out any toxins within the body. Drinking enough water keeps your skin and body well-hydrated. Solution:
Dark Circles By Lack of Sleep or Too Much Sleep Lack of sleep or too much sleep also causes dark circles underneath the eyes. By sleeping too much the face is in constant contact with your pillow. If you are the type of sleeper who sleeps on your belly this friction against the face and the eye cavities can cause darkness underneath the eyes. You may also notice an increase in puffiness around the eye area. Determine how much sleep you need. It’s usually 7-9 hours per night, but varies for different people at different times throughout their lives. Try to get that amount regularly for a couple of weeks to see if that helps.
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