Health and Wellness
Physical Activity and Exercise Physical Activity refers to any kind of movement that uses up energy Exercise is a planned or organized form of physical activity Why be physically active? Strengthens heart, lungs, bones, etc. Helps to manage weight Improves body’s defense against diseases (immune system) Improves sleep Reduces stress Ability to share goals and achievements with others
A Healthy Diet Nutrition is the process of using food and its substances to help your body have energy, grow, develop, and work properly. What are the 6 types of nutrients? Carbohydrates (main energy source) Proteins (construction work) Fats (saturated is bad, unsaturated is good) Vitamins (small quantities – regulate body functions) Minerals (small quantities – regulate body functions; healthy bones and teeth) Water (essential to life; makes up over half of your body)
Sleep Teens need 8 ½ - 9 hours of sleep a night 6 reasons as to why proper sleep is important: Helps learning and memory Controls metabolism and weight Safety – prevention of falling asleep during an important time of day Personal mood Cardiovascular health Disease prevention
Personal Hygiene Showering Hair – once every 1-2 days Skin – 2/3 days or every other day THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS! Teeth Brush at least twice daily Replace toothbrush every 3-4 months Deodorant (look for kinds that say “antiperspirant”)
Stress Stress – your body’s response to change Eustress – positive stress Motivation Distress – negative stress Harmful to the body Unavoidable, yet manageable Bodily Responses Dilated pupils, increased heart rate, muscles tense
Stressors A stressor is anything that causes stress Common stressors for teens (negative) Arguing with a friend, moving, getting glasses/braces Arguing with a parent, worry over body image/acne, being sick or injured School suspension, use of drugs and alcohol, death of a pet, family member illness Fight or Flight response Body reacts as though it is in danger Adrenaline
Stress Management Follow a healthy lifestyle! Chill out! Relax muscles Slow your breathing Get enough sleep Keep a positive outlook What are you looking forward to? Keep your sense of humor Have fun!
Physical Activity and Stress Improved heart function Steady heart rate and blood pressure Better mood Brain releases chemicals that make you feel happy Increased oxygen supply Think more clearly Improved appearance When you look better, you feel better
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” – Ben Franklin
Relationships Relationships are the connections you have with other people and groups in your life As a teen, your relationships are mainly with family, friends, and peers When you get older, you will develop other relationships (co-workers)
Who are you? Character – the way in which a person thinks, feels, and acts Values – the beliefs and ideals that guide the way a person lives What are good character traits? Trustworthiness – honest, loyal, and reliable Respect – considerate of others and tolerant of differences Responsibility – self-control; think before you act; be accountable for choices Fairness – play by the rules Caring – be sensitive to the needs of others Citizenship – the way you conduct yourself as a member of a community