“The Great Hymn of Promises” Revelation 7:9-17 Sunday, April 17, 2016
V. 9 “...great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues...” -“Multitude:” Crowd, common people -“Every nation:” ‘ethnous’ A race, distinct from Israel -“Tribes:” Clan, race, descendents from a common ancestor -“Peoples:” A people, God’s chosen ‘people’ (Jews, Christians) -“Tongues:” Languages
“...standing before the throne and before the lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding Palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice...” -“Before:” In sight of -Throne and Lamb: Revelation 4 & 5 -“White Robes:” Bright white, same as transfiguration passage -“Cried out:” Scream, shout at the top of their lungs
“Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the lamb!” Angles: “Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!” -Salvation is not due to themselves, it belongs to God and to the lamb and it is therefore for him to give away. Psalm 118:14: “He has become my salvation.” -Angels fall before the throne, worshipping God. The “Chorus.” -A seven-fold form of doxology: implies divine completeness. Bookends the Blessing with Amen, meaning “truly.”
V. 14--“These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.” -The elder puts words to John’s wonderings. -Gradually coming out of the tribulation: “those who are coming.” “Tribulation:” persecution, distress, affliction. Literally, pressure in a confined space with no escape. -The repeated symbol of the blood that cleanses: Hebrew animal sacrifice for sins, John the Baptist identifying Jesus as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,” 1 John 1:7: “cleanses us from all sin.” -“Robes:” long, flowing robe worn by upper class -“Made them white:” A verb that means to whiten. Only other time used: transfiguration
“They are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple...” -“Serve:” Root word “a hired servant with technical skills; especially a God -“Day and Night:” 24/7 No separation -“And He who sits on the throne will spread his tabernacle over them...” Pitch his tent to dwell. “The word became flesh and dwelt among us” -Sheltered under God’s dwelling place
V.s 16 & 17: The Hymn of Promises echoing Prophecy: Isaiah 49:10 “For the lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd and will guide them to springs of living water and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” -They have been through tribulation, experienced hunger, thirst, heat of the sun -“Guide:” Lead, guide, teach -“Spring:” Fountain, spring, well “Life:” Both the physical (present) and spiritual (future), all life throughout the universe. Always and only comes from God’s self-existent life. -“Wipe:” Completely erase, obliterate
Questions for Further Reflection “Let your Kingdom come…” -How are we, individually and as a church, breaking down boundaries (based on race, class, gender) that will not exist in God’s kingdom? -What does it look like to live, knowing that you are being washed clean and your innocence is being restored? How has your restored innocence changed your actions? Your perspective? -Are you serving God and the lamb 24/7?
One more thing... No amount of falls will really undo us if we keep on picking ourselves up each time. We shall of course be very muddy and tattered children by the time we reach home. But the bathrooms are all ready, the towels put out, and the clean clothes are in the airing cupboard. The only fatal thing is to lose one’s temper and give it up. It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present to us: it is the very sign of His presence. —C.S. Lewis, Letter to Mary Neylan (January 20, 1942)