After Independence -13 individual colonies -13 different governments -very loose association of the 13 states in a confederate style government that was totally unwritten
State Government -every state wrote its own constitution -all had three branches legislative, executive, judicial -guaranteed certain rights
-Revolutionary War -Strength of the British military -weakness of the colonial militias Need for Cooperation
What are some things that one should look for in a new government? Pair up with a friend and create a list of what you think is important for a new government.
-would need a method of cooperation -limited control would be given to a central government -would not be able to control the 13 states -Articles of Confederation signed in 1781 National Government
Confederation -1 house legislature -1 vote per state -9 of 13 required to pass laws -controls the military -power to make treaties -Land Ordinance lands past the Appalachians were declared new territories -NW Ordinance banned slavery in NW areas and set up process of adding additional states
Confederation -1 house legislature -1 vote per state -9 of 13 required to pass laws -controls the military -power to make treaties -Land Ordinance lands past the Appalachians were declared new territories -NW Ordinance banned slavery in NW areas and set up process of adding additional states
Weaknesses -could not enforce laws -could not tax -no executive branch -no court system -could not regulate trade
Future Problems -taxation problems -Shay’s Rebellion -Event that occurred when Massachusetts farmers revolted over high state taxes and caused people to realize the weakness of the government -trade barriers -inability to pass laws -lack of strong executive