Chapter 4, Section 1 Articles of Confederation
The American people examined many ideas about government. Enlightenment Ideas and English laws Eng. laws Limit monarch 1215: Magna Carta King must Follow law 1689: Eng. Bill Of Rights Parliament Is supreme King not Pass laws Taxes w/o Parliament’s okay Enlightenment use of reason Locke: Social Contract Montesquiew: Separation Of powers American Models Of govt. New England Town meetings VA: House of Burgesses Mayflower Compact Conn.’s Constitution (1 st written) Declaration Of Indep. Set Forth beliefs On Govt. State Constitutions States Created Limited govts. Protect citizen rights VA Statute On Religious Freedom: Separation Of church And state Statute Written by Jefferson
The Confederation Congress established the Northwest Territory. Congress had to solve two problems: Land Ordinance Of 1785 Northwest Ordinance Of 1787