Kingdom Animalia Invertebrates
Cell Type/ Description Multicellular Nucleus Cell Organelles
Food All Ingest Food Animals must eat others for energy
Movement Muscles
Reproduction Asexual—one parent Sexual—two parents
Examples Sponges Worms Mollusks Insects Starfish
Animals have specialized parts- skin, tissues, organs Mobile- they move during some phase of their life Consumers- heterotrophs What does it mean to be an animal?
Invertebrates Animals without a backbone The majority of the animal kingdom Insects, snails, jellyfish, and worms
Body Plans Bilateral symmetry- body has 2 similar halves- ex: butterfly Radial symmetry- body is arranged in a circle- ex: sea anemone Asymmetry- no symmetry – ex: sponges
Phylum Porifera - sponges
Body Plan Asymmetrical No head: No guts Regenerate- replace body parts
Phylum Cnidaria- jellyfish
Jellyfish Radial symmetry Gut- digestion Nervous system
Phylum Plathyhelminthes- flatworms
Flatworms Bilateral symmetry Head Eyespots Mostly parasites
Phylum Nematoda- roundworms
Roundworms Bilateral symmetry Long and slender Most are parasites Infect humans- pinworms and hookworms
Phylum Annelida- segmented worms
Segmented Worms Body has segments More complex than flatworms Circulatory system, nervous system and digestive system Earthworms
Phylum Mollusca- mollusks
Mollusks Snails, slugs,clams,oysters, squid, octopuses. 2 nd largest phylum of animals All have a Mantle- tissue layer over the body
Phylum Echinodermata- echinoderms
Echinoderms “Echino”= spiny “derm”= skin Marine animals Sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle stars, sand dollars scavengers/ feed on fish and clams
Phylum Arthropoda- arthropods
Arthropods Insects, spiders, crabs, and centipedes Largest group of animals Exoskeleton- made of chitin Insects- metamorphosis
Arthropods Characteristics Jointed legs Segmented- head, throax, abdomen Specialized parts- wings, antennae, gills, claws
General Characteristics of Vertebrates: spinal cord with protective vertebrae bone (back bone) very diverse group of animals
Class Agnatha: Jawless Fishes Eel like in shape Has no jawbones Teeth Endoskeleton made of cartilage Scaleless, slimy, parasites and scavengers.
Lamprey and hagfish
Class Chondrichthyes: Cartilagenous fishes Internal jaws Teeth Dermal scales Endoskeleton made of cartilage Advanced predators
Sharks and Rays
Class Osteichthyes: Bony Fishes Bony skeleton Single pair of external gills Scales
Sunfish, Bass, and Catfish
Class Amphibia: Amphibians Cold blooded Skin is smooth….no fur, feathers, or scales. Need constant access to water Three chambered heart Deposit eggs in or near water
Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, Legless salamander
Class Reptilia: Reptiles Dry scaley,skin Lungs Cold-blooded Eggs layed on land 3-4 chambered heart
Snakes, Lizards, Tortoises, & Turtles
Class Aves: Birds Horny beak, no teeth Feathers Hard shelled egg Strong skeleton Developed wings
Emu, Owl, Hawk, Duck, & Titmouse
Class Mammalia: Mammals Warm blooded Hair Sweat glands Mammary glands Teeth…varies greatly
Bats, rodents, whales, deer, wolverine, & tiger