2. I am clown fish and I live among the tentacles of sea anemones. The larger fishes avoid the poisonous tentacles of the sea anemones so I am protected. I cannot exist as successfully without this protective cover. The good is that the anemone wants to keep me around because I attract other fishes on which it can feed. The sea anemone's tentacles quickly paralyze and seize other fishes as prey What is our ism? 1. I am a Dodder and I am found twined round the stems of clover plants or grasses. I penetrate the stems of the plant I live on and I obtain nutrients, water, and mineral salts directly from them. I can cause a great deal of damage to wheat fields. What is our ism? Station #1 – What is our ism?
4. I am a flatworm, I posses suckers with which I attach myself to the walls of human blood vessels to obtain the nutrients I need. What is our ism? 3. I am a Remora shark and I have an adhesive disk on the dorsal surface of my heads. With this adhesive disk I hook on to “hitch a ride” on larger animals, usually whales, which tend to be sloppy eaters. When food floats away from the whale’s mouth, I can unhitch myself and collect the scraps of food floating by. The whales don’t care when I hook on because it doesn’t hurt them at all, they never even know I’m there. What is our ism? Station #2 – What is our ism?
5. I am a louse and I deposit my eggs in the heads of humans where they grow and take the nutrients they need. I do nothing for the human other than make their head itch. What is our ism? Station #3 – What is our ism? 6. I am a barnacle. Barnacles are crustaceans, as an adult I just sit around. Babies start as larvae and they find a good surface and attach becoming sedentary. One good place they find is the skin of a whale. All barnacles benefit by finding a habitat where nutrients are available. When we attach ourselves to a living organism, that organism takes us to new sources of food. Just because we sit around doesn’t mean that we hamper or enhance the survival of any of the organisms that carry us. What is our ism?
8. I am an egret, a bird that lives near grazing cattle. I benefit from living with the cattle, because the cattle disrupt insects in the grasses, and provide me with a readily available food source. There seems to be no cost or benefit to the cattle from our relationship What is our ism? 7. I live in a deciduous forest and I eat the bark of trees, I am a termite. I have a great source of food in the trees and I do nothing good for them. I only make them week and as a result they fall What is our ism? Station #4 – What is our ism?
10. I am a fungus and I help the tree that I live on to absorb water from the soil, I also increase the stability of the root system, and protect the roots from drying. In return the tree provides sugars and starches that I use in my metabolism. What is our ism? 9. I am a flea and I feed on the blood of a cat, because of the loss of this blood the cat is harmed but, I really don’t care What is our ism? Station #5 – What is our ism?
12. I am mistletoe and I work my way into trees and I like to spread out over an area and pretty soon I take over the tree. What is our ism? 11. I am a species of ant that uses the excess plant sap that an aphid makes for my nutrition. In return I protect the aphids from predators and parasites. In some cases I tend the aphid colony almost like a rancher with their cattle, not only by protecting them, but moving them around from plant to plant What is our ism? Station #6 – What is our ism?
14. I am a very brave bird that is well known for preying on parasites that feed on crocodiles. Because this feels good, the crocodile openly invites me to hunt on its body, even going so far as to open its jaws to allow me to enter the mouth safely to hunt the leeches from its gums. What is our ism? Station #7 – What is our ism? 13. I am a bacterium within your digestive system and I benefit from the food that you eat. I am obedient and stay where I am supposed to stay in your body; I never go to an area where I can cause you to have a problem. What is our ism?
For each cartoon, explain in your own words how you think this relates to the topic of Ecology we are studying.
I am clown fish and I live among the tentacles of sea anemones. The larger fishes avoid the poisonous tentacles of the sea anemones so I am protected. I cannot exist as successfully without this protective cover. The good is that the anemone wants to keep me around because I attract other fishes on which it can feed. The sea anemone's tentacles quickly paralyze and seize other fishes as prey What is our ism? Station #1 – What is our ism?
I am a flatworm, I posses suckers with which I attach myself to the walls of human blood vessels to obtain the nutrients I need. What is our ism? Station #2 – What is our ism?
I am a louse and I deposit my eggs in the heads of humans where they grow and take the nutrients they need. I do nothing for the human other than make their head itch. What is our ism? Station #3 – What is our ism?
I am an egret, a bird that lives near grazing cattle. I benefit from living with the cattle, because the cattle disrupt insects in the grasses, and provide me with a readily available food source. There seems to be no cost or benefit to the cattle from our relationship What is our ism? Station #4 – What is our ism?
I am a fungus and I help the tree that I live on to absorb water from the soil, I also increase the stability of the root system, and protect the roots from drying. In return the tree provides sugars and starches that I use in my metabolism. What is our ism? Station #5 – What is our ism?
I am a species of ant that uses the excess plant sap that an aphid makes for my nutrition. In return I protect the aphids from predators and parasites. In some cases I tend the aphid colony almost like a rancher with their cattle, not only by protecting them, but moving them around from plant to plant What is our ism? Station #6 – What is our ism?
I am a very brave bird that is well known for preying on parasites that feed on crocodiles. Because this feels good, the crocodile openly invites me to hunt on its body, even going so far as to open its jaws to allow me to enter the mouth safely to hunt the leeches from its gums. What is our ism? Station #7 – What is our ism?
For each cartoon, explain in your own words how you think this relates to the topic of Ecology we are studying.