End of the 1800s
Reform Bill of 1832 Middle Class gets right to vote!
The Victorian Age 64 years of rule Greatest height and wealth Prim and proper
Women’s Suffrage Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Emmeline Pankhurst formed Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) Hunger Strikes
Dreyfus Affair Accused of selling military secrets Solidified strengthen of anti- semitism Zionism Persecution of Jews Jews had desire for separate homeland
Self Rule- Canada French and English Canada Dominion- self- governing in domestic affairs but part of British Empire Westward Expansion John MacDonald (first PM) expanded westward reached Pacific Transcontinental RR
Self Rule- Australia & New Zealand Aborigines and Maoris Penal Colonies Dominions Secret ballot- first used in Australia New Zealand gave women right to vote
Self Rule- Ireland 1100s- Pope gave control of Ireland to English king 1500s- limited rights of Catholics Irish hated British rule Ireland official part of Britain 1840s- Irish Potato Famine 1.5 Million fled Ireland Ireland granted home rule
American Expansion War with Mexico Mexican independence Texas revolts against Mexican rule US annexed Texas Manifest Destiny Impact on Native Americans and Slavery
American Civil War North vs. South Climax of conflict election of Abe Lincoln Cause of the Civil War Emancipation Proclamation (1863) 13 th, 14 th, and 15 th Amendments Segregation
America- Postwar Economy By US leading industrial power in the world Immigration In 1870s, nearly 2,000/day By more than 20 million people from Asia and Europe Railroads construction of transcontinental RR By nearly 200,000 miles of track
19 th Century Progress Early 1800s- steam Late 1800s- gasoline and electric Thomas Edison- light bulb/ phonograph
19 th Century Progress Alexander Graham Bell- Telephone Guglielino Marconi- First Radio
19 th Century Progress Henry Ford- Model T and assembly line
19 th Century Progress Wright Brothers December 17, 1903 Kitty Hawk, NC First airplane Longest flight 59 seconds
Rise of Mass Culture Earlier periods- art, music and master theater for wealthy By 1900s- much larger audience because of leisure time Causes to rise Increase in literacy Improvements in communication to meet broad demand Phonographs brought it into homes
Rise of Mass Culture Earliest motion pictures- black and white, lasting less than 1 minute By early 1900s, filmmakers produced first feature films Movies quickly became big business By 1910, 5 million Americans attended ~10,000 theaters each day
Rise of Mass Culture Development of Sporting Events In US- football and baseball In Europe- professional soccer Favorite English sports (cricket) spread to British colonies (Australia, India and South Africa) In International Olympic Games
New Ideas in Medicine & Science Louis Pasteur- pastuerization
New Ideas in Medicine & Science Charles Darwin The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Stimulated debate inside and outside the world of science
New Ideas in Medicine & Science Gregor Mendel- genetics Austrian monk in 1850/1860s Discovered that certain traits were inherited Later scientists discovered genes
New Ideas in Medicine & Science John Dalton- British chemist Atoms Dmitri Mendeleev- Russian chemist Periodic table
New Ideas in Medicine & Science Marie and Pierre Curie Discovered Radium and polonium (both highly radioactive) Curies shared Nobel Prize in physics Marie won Nobel prize in chemistry
The Social Sciences Ivan Pavlov Classical conditioning
The Social Sciences Sigmund Freud Unconscious drives the mind Id, Ego, Super Ego Oedipus complex Psychosexual stages Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genetal