Developing a Fluorescamine Assay to Probe Cardiac Protein Structure Virginia Dines and Siddharth Damania
Thomas Biochemistry Lab University of Minnesota
Introduction Nearly 60 million Americans suffer from heart disease Cardiac muscles require calcium to flow through the membrane calcium pump to beat Used with Permission from Dr. Thomas
Phospholamban Oxenoid & Chou (2005), PNAS 102: – Robia, Flohr & Thomas (2005), Biochemistry 44: 4302 – 4311
Spin Label
Background Study by Udenfriend et al. (1972) showed that when fluorescamine is reacted with primary amines (in lysine and PLB), the fluorescent intensity of the fluorophor increases linearly
Goals Develop a fluorescamine assay
Goals Develop a fluorescamine assay Optimize the fluorescamine assay
Goals Develop a fluorescamine assay Optimize the fluorescamine assay Use the assay to assess the spin- labeling success in phospholamban
Fluorescamine Assay Measure the fluorescent intensity of fluorescamine bound to lysine, PLB, and labeled PLB in increasing concentrations to ultimately determine spin-labeling success rate
Fluorescamine Assay with Lysine
Fluorescamine Assay of PLB and Lysine
Fluorescamine Assay with Arginine
Spin Label Controls: DMF
Spin Label Controls: SUCSL in DMF
Fluorescamine Assay with Spin Labeled PLB
Subtracting Spin Label Control Shows 33% Labeled PLB
Fluorescamine Time Control
Conclusions A lysine standard curve cannot be used to quantify PLB because of structural differences
Conclusions A lysine standard curve cannot be used to quantify PLB because of structural differences The spin label binds to fluorescamine and forms a fluorescent compound
Conclusions A lysine standard curve cannot be used to quantify PLB because of structural differences The spin label binds to fluorescamine and forms a fluorescent compound Fluorescamine solution increases in fluorescence over time
Future Work Control the increasing fluorescence using a 96-well microplate reader
Future Work Apply fluorescamine assay to determine efficiency of spin-labeling PLB
Future Work Determine structure of pentameric phospholamban and further investigate how PLB interacts with the calcium pump
Acknowledgements Dr. David D. Thomas Kurt Torgersen The University of Minnesota Ms. Lois Fruen Team Research
Developing a Fluorescamine Assay to Probe Cardiac Protein Structure Virginia Dines and Siddharth Damania