#SVscot Developing a Framework for Hearing the Voice of Citizens in Health and Social Care.


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Presentation transcript:

#SVscot Developing a Framework for Hearing the Voice of Citizens in Health and Social Care in Scotland

#SVscot What did we do? 4 national events 22 focus groups 1 virtual event 2 online surveys 2 live Twitter chats 20 video recordings 1 graphic facilitator structured interviews literature review

#SVscot Where we engaged people Scotland 57 Outside Scotland National Events 54 Unknown 22 12

#SVscot Total engagement In total we engaged with 1,188 people across Scotland, using a variety of methods: ActivityParticipants Local Discussion Groups (x 22)149 National Events (x 5)364 Online Surveys (x 2)223 Twitter452 Total1,188

#SVscot Feedback and key messages Consistent themes across groups and approaches Focus on principles and outcomes first then structure Culture change is essential Good examples exist and should be kept although “sometimes feels cluttered” – needs streamlining or promoting Focus on feedback… services need to make people feel valued and demonstrate the difference that has been made (or not) as a result of listening – “feels tokenistic”, “need visible published outcomes” Go to the people!

#SVscot 7 Key Themes Active Citizenship Benefits & Outcomes Methods & Approaches  Principles & Standards Whole-System Approach Culture Change Information & Support

#SVscot Current position Proposals and key milestones for delivery submitted to Cabinet Secretary early January 2015 Agreed by Cabinet Secretary mid January COSLA leaders approved in February Project team continues to shape next steps overall Implementation and delivery role for Scottish Health Council and Healthcare Improvement Scotland Conversations with stakeholders continue..including today!

#SVscot Whole System Approach Local Level Individual Level National Level Leadership Coalition

#SVscot Whole System Approach Individuals will be empowered and supported to have constructive conversations about their own care and treatment Underpinned by Human Rights principles Key alignment with existing Person centred care activity…People Powered Health and Wellbeing Programme, Person-Centred Collaborative etc. Enable people to provide feedback on the care and services they receive Systems will be manageable for staff Transferrable across boundaries Developed in partnership Individual Level Person Centred Care Feedback Systems

#SVscot Local Level Peer Network Whole System Approach Focus on integration and outcomes for people Individual and collective capacity building Guidance, tools and techniques that support individuals and communities to be involved Strengthen and build on local networks across all sectors. Develop new and/or strengthen existing successful mechanisms for involvement Relentless focus on seldom heard

#SVscot National Level Citizen Hub Citizen Panels/Juries Gathering Stories Whole System Approach Citizen Hub Virtual and physical space supporting people to have their voice heard “Knock on the door” philosophy Agree single standard for involving people across health and care Build on and connect with existing local and national organisations and networks Provide an interface to link local with national Gather intelligence on issues of concern to people Engage in national dialogue with policy stakeholders

#SVscot Whole System Approach Citizen Panels/ Juries Focus on matters of national policy Convened randomly across ‘communities’ Strengthen service user and carer voice in national debates Learn from local panels and juries that work well Gathering Stories Qualitative capture of experience Complimentary to the Citizen Hub Help identify key national themes and priorities Designed to compliment and support local feedback and stories National Level Citizen Hub Citizen Panels/Juries Gathering Stories

#SVscot Leadership Coalition Act as Champions Oversight Whole System Approach Provide guidance and support to the implementation of the Framework Bring integrity and transparency to emerging views and concerns Independently chaired Made up of all groups of stakeholders who will be champions Evolving function… guiding, supporting momentum and recommending improvements NOT to replace governance

#SVscot How will we do it? Continue to work in Partnership as Project Team Stakeholder engagement and communications as priority Key areas as work streams/ subgroups Stakeholder involvement... co-designing the detail Implementation plan for testing and refining Alignment with other activity will be key Shaping next steps today…

#SVscot Timelines 2015 Gathering of stories – early testing by end June 2015 Citizen Hub Developed and launched by end 2015 Peer Network developed and working by end 2015 Leadership Coalition is convened

#SVscot Timelines 2016 First Citizen Jury convened in 2016 Standard for involving people agreed by June 2016 Process for identifying priorities implemented by Citizen Hub by June 2016 Systems for capturing evidence and sharing best practice via Citizen Hub in place by end of 2016 Gathering of stories – spreading use of varied technologies through the whole system by end of 2016

#SVscot Timelines By end of 2017 Systems and process in place to locally and nationally evidence involvement in improving health and care services Receiving and responding to feedback is seen as ‘business as usual’ Stronger Voice is evolving in response to feedback and evaluation

#SVscot Keep up-to-date on our progress at: scottishhealthcouncil.org/strongervoice.aspx Keep in touch More information