Healthy Lives, Healthy People Health and Wellbeing Board Assembly February 2013
Welcome Cllr Sylvia Tidy Chairman Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board
Healthy Lives, Healthy People The purpose of today To provide an update on health and care changes nationally and locally To explore how we can work together to deliver Healthy Lives, Healthy People – the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for East Sussex
Healthy Lives, Healthy People Our vision To protect and improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities in East Sussex so that everyone has the opportunity to have a safe, healthy and fulfilling life
Healthy Lives, Healthy People Our priorities for Best start for babies and children Safe, resilient and secure parenting Healthy lifestyles Falls and accident prevention Mental health and wellbeing SEN, disabilities and long term conditions End of Life Care
Healthy Lives, Healthy People Our approach Focus on a small number of big issues Build on and add value to what is already taking place Whole life - from conception to death Prevention and early intervention Reduce inequalities Integrated whole system - the right care, at the right time and the best place Join up health, care and other services across the public, private and VCS Build on individual, family and community strengths
The National Agenda – current and future policy Nick Georgiou Associate Non-Executive Director Solutions for Public Health
8 National guide for local delivery Local process for local determination No national models to follow ESCC ahead of thinking
10 … and in East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board established - brings together Local Government, the NHS and the people of East Sussex to: Assess the needs of the local population Produce a Health and Wellbeing Strategy – a framework for commissioning services Promote joint working and integration across health and social care and wider wellbeing services Public Health – transfer to local government in April CCGs – take over NHS commissioning from April Healthwatch - consumer champion for health and care
11 Department of Health Outcomes Frameworks November 2012
12 Department of Health Improving Health and Care: The role of the outcomes frameworks
13 What we heard – main messages There is a huge and enthusiastic workforce out there, eager to go The world is changed There is no more money We have to maximise and co-ordinate the skills of all players
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Clinical Commissioning Groups in East Sussex Amanda Philpott Chief Officer (interim) Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG Chief Operating Officer Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG and Hastings and Rother CCG February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning GroupsFebruary 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Who are the CCGs in East Sussex?
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG – 22 practices 180,000 patients estimated budget £231m 2013/13, QIPP c.16m Hastings and Rother CCG – 32 practices 184,000 patients estimated 2013/14 budget £258m, QIPP c. £8m High Weald Lewes Havens CCG – 22 practices 164,000 patients estimated 2013/14 £202m, QIPP c. £10m N.B. CCGs have smaller budgets than PCTs because of different responsibilities February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups The CCGs in East Sussex
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups CCGs are membership organisations, with strong clinical leadership with wide clinical engagement NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) is responsible through the Surrey and Sussex Area Team for commissioning specialist services, and primary care provision Public Health has moved from NHS to Local Authorities February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups What is different?
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning GroupsFebruary 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Who we work with Our patients and their carers Service providers Neighbouring CCGs Sussex CCG Executive and Clinical Senate HealthWatch East Sussex NHS Commissioning Board Local area team (LAT) Commissioning Support Health & Well-Being Board (Public Health) Voluntary and Community Sector Clinical Networks Local Strategic Partnership Kent, Surrey and Sussex Academic Health Science Networks Joint Commissioners Local Authorities
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Older people with a focus on End Of Life Care Accidents and falls Chronic diseases Non-elective admission avoidance Mental Health with a focus on A&E admissions and Dementia Planned care Intermediate care February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG Priorities
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Older people Accidents and falls Chronic diseases End of life care Mental health Cancer Healthy lifestyles February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Hastings and Rother CCG Priorities
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups The best possible start for babies and young children Preventing and reducing falls, accidents, and injuries Admission Avoidance Reducing the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco Enabling people to manage and maintain their health and well being Supporting those with Special Educational needs and disabilities Long Term Conditions Providing High quality and choice of end of life care February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups High Weald Lewes Havens CCG Priorities
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Each priority area will have a communication and engagement plan Lay member for PPI on each CCG board CCG participation in regular community networks and forums Regular two-way communication with GP practice Patient Participation Groups Series of focus groups and workshops commissioned through local Councils for Voluntary Services to engage Voluntary and Community Sector organisations Twice yearly stakeholder workshops February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Working with and for local people
February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups Thank You February 2013East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups
People Power: Healthwatch and Community Engagement Julie Fitzgerald - Director, East Sussex Community Voice
What is Healthwatch? The Health and Social Care Act says… Provide information and advice Promote and support the involvement of people in the monitoring, commissioning and provision of local care services Obtain the views of people about their needs for and experience of local care services Provide access to independent NHS complaints advocacy Make reports and recommendations on how services could be improved Make recommendations to Healthwatch England and advise CQC on areas of concern.
People and communities at the heart of Healthwatch
Healthwatch East Sussex Healthwatch East Sussex Delivery Organisations Healthwatch East Sussex Staff Volunteer Roles – e.g. Information Advisers, Enter and View Teams Chair and Non Executives Executive Director Advisor y Group ? East Sussex Community Voice Board
How will Healthwatch work in practice?
Informatio n Providers Healthwatc h Advocac y Provider s Community Legal Advice Action Group s PALS Clubs Help Group s Support Groups GPs and other services providers Comm unity Group s CCGs Complaints PPGs Council Service s Healthwatch working with partners
Questions and Answers Panel Nick Georgiou Amanda Philpott Julie Fitzgerald Cllr Keith Glazier Keith Hinkley Dr Diana Grice
The Leadership Challenge Becky Shaw Chief Executive East Sussex County Council
Table Discussions Working together to deliver the Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities, improve outcomes and reduce inequalities… What could we do differently? What are the opportunities and challenges? What would success look like? Who wants to be involved in delivery?
The Way Forward - Next Steps The Health and Wellbeing Board will Consider all the information gathered today Further develop the Strategy Action Plan Agree the Action Plan in April Lead and monitor implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan Continue to inform, consult and engage you
Thank you! Please fill in your evaluation form! Any questions or further comments: Contact: Lisa Schrevel Phone: