APHO’s Technical Work Paul Fryers Deputy Director – East Midlands PHO Technical Advisor – APHO
Overview of APHO’s technical agenda PHOs have responsibility for leading the development of public health intelligence resources and methodology APHO’s role is to co-ordinate this work in order to make the most efficient use of a substantial national highly-skilled and experienced workforce The technical work programme for PHOs is overseen by APHO Technical Group working with the APHO Technical Advisor to improve the strategic direction of this work Looking ahead to identify priorities for methodological development Building skills and capacity across the public health workforce Increasing use of ‘best practice’ analytical methods Providing robust and consistent data and information resources Providing tools and toolkits to support public health analysts Act as a central point of contact with other national organisations, e.g. Department of Health, Office for National Statistics, NHS Information Centre, etc.
APHO Groups APHO Exec Business & Comms Technical Group Website Steering Group HES Tech Group Health Profiles Team GIS Group Training Group? Lifestyles Group Content Management Group
APHO Technical Group Bi-monthly meetings, with representation from Each of the 12 UK and Ireland PHOs Subgroups Links with other APHO groups – Exec, Business & Comms, Website Steering Group and key external bodies, e.g. NHS Information Centre Tech Group acts as an information sharing forum, support group and oversees national technical projects Discusses data or methodological issues being tackled by PHOs Ensures PHOs know what each other are working on Presentations or updates from major APHO projects Presentations from external organisations on relevant work Co-ordinates and oversees a central programme of major reports and projects, both externally commissioned and core work Co-ordinates training and capacity-building
Technical Briefings Short briefings, giving guidance on key analytical methodological issues Aimed at analysts, but intended to be accessible to interested health practitioners, to promote the use of ‘best practice’ public health intelligence Briefings published on: Sources of data on lifestyle risk factors in local populations Statistical process control methods in public health intelligence Commonly used public health statistics and their confidence intervals Target setting in a multi-agency environment Current and proposed briefings: Social marketing segmentation Measuring health inequalities Using small area data Prevalence modelling Smoking prevalence data Analysing trends and forecasting
Web tools Health inequalities intervention tool Funnel plots for directly standardised rates and proportions Disease prevalence models for CHD and COPD Health inequalities toolkit Lifestyle survey toolkit On-line indicator search tool Spreadsheet tools Life expectancy calculator Prevalence models for CHD, hypertension, stroke and COPD Funnel plot tools for count data, rates (including directly standardised rates), proportions and indirectly standardised ratios (SMRs) Standardisation and confidence interval methods Analytical tools and toolkits
Analyses inequalities by: Quantifying the current life expectancy gap at birth within local authority (LA) areas, and between ‘Spearhead’ LAs and England Identifying the diseases contributing most to the life expectancy gap in each area Models the extent to which the life expectancy gap can be reduced by increasing the provision of four high impact interventions: smoking cessation anti-hypertensive prescribing statin prescribing reducing infant mortality Helps public health to ‘compete’ for resources by building the evidence base for public health interventions Health Inequalities Intervention Tool
Data resources Health profiles Provide comparative indicator sets for benchmarking of health outcomes and treatment patterns, to identify the needs of populations Printed profiles for each local authority On-line resource, updated more regularly Basket of indicators Alcohol profiles Health Poverty Index
Other reports and publications Indications reports Regional and sub-regional summaries of public health issues Lifestyle and its impact on health Ethnicity and health Child health Sexual health Mental health Alcohol Older people Information briefings Health Profiles National Library for Public Health Health Service Journal data briefings – many short topic-based reports Several other ad-hoc reports
Summary Strengths Most analytical staff across the network are very enthusiastic about doing collaborative work: it builds their experience and gets the work they do to a larger audience The very wide range of skills and experience across the network means that we have huge potential capacity and capability to do innovative and high-quality work APHO has delivered Weaknesses For most staff, APHO work is still an extra to their day job. Regional PHOs are under huge pressure to deliver their local work programme: accountability is to the Regional NHS body There is a very small pool of people who do most of the strategic APHO work There is a sense that some PHOs contribute more than others, which undermines the principle of collaboration for mutual gain
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