Delivering more with TECS Jim Ellam - Commissioning Manager and Assistive Technology Project Lead, Staffordshire County Council Karen Foster - Business Development Manager, Stafford and Rural Homes Debbie Moores - Allied Health Professions Lead, South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Age of Austerity TECS Care Act Better Care Fund Personalisation
Staffordshire Context More Commissioning Local partners delivering Communities increasingly important Public expectations Organisations working in a digital way
Superfast Broadband Integrated Care Record Staffordshire Marketplace
A Changing Market Understanding future care needs Who will be the customers of the future? Why will they need technology? What will they want? What does this mean for providers? Links to Integrated Community Equipment Services and HIA
Understanding potential and limitations across the continuum of technology Making best use of existing technologies Embed TECS in Care Pathways Adopting and implementing new technologies Training, cultural change and service transformation.
Personalisation, Outcomes & Proportional
"Switched-on" generation switched off to life-changing care technology Carers UK The report, Potential for Change, shows that while over 7 in 10 UK adults routinely turn to technology for banking, shopping and communications, only 3 in 10 are embracing health and care technology to help care for older or disabled relatives.Potential for Change
Marketing & Promotion
Mobile apps & self care
Informing Acting! Supporting Helping People to help themselves
Equipment for easier living Help at home Domestic Services
South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Delivering more with TECS How did the conversation start? SSSFT background –Demand and capacity issues identified. –Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN). Many Drivers –National drivers. –Emergence of Local Digital Programme Board. –Local Expertise.
Over to You…. Imagine you are the Lead in an NHS Foundation Trust wanting to improve service delivery through the use of Assistive Technology: a)Who would you need to talk to, to achieve this? b)Why would you need to speak to them?
Who did I speak to ? Research department Service users Carers/Families Ward staff Unions Facilities and Estates IT department Finance department Management teams Executive team Local Authority Stafford and Rural Homes Welbeing Technology providers eg: - MyAmego - Just Checking
What was the purpose of the conversation? Research department Carers/Families Ward staff Unions Facilities and Estates IT department Finance department Management teams Executive team Local Authority Stafford and Rural Homes Welbeing Technology providers eg: - MyAmego - Just Checking
Over to You ……… Imagine you are the AT Lead in an NHS Foundation Trust. Where would you go to secure funding for Assistive Technology
Where DID SSSFT get funding from? February Executive Lead/AT Commissioner. March 2013 – Joint Trust Board Presentation. Local Authority - AT CQUIN Project Manager. March Joint working with staff: - Engagement. - Benefits to service users. - Agreeing product – not used in NHS. December procurement – MyAmego/Just Checking. April installation – Facilities and Estates, IT. April implementation - staff training. April and October outcomes, evaluation.
What's going to happen next? October 2014 – further interest from clinical areas. November 2014 – rollout to Shropshire Older Age – project plan. January 2015 – Trust Business Planning. March 2015 – Shropshire Sand Pit Live (Older Age). April 2015 – Shropshire Go Live (Older Age). During 2015 – potential Forensic Services.
Finally…….. Have we delivered more through TECS? Show of hands!
Making a Difference
Taking the Initiative
New Partnerships
Invest to Save Working to grow awareness of Telecare we increased referrals to the service by a massive 62%.
Widening the Offer New support plans Referrals Linking Services
It’s never too early to shop for Xmas!!!!
Where has the conversation taken us so far? Mental Health Division. Specialist Health Division. Workforce Planning. Clinicians – OT’s. AKTIVE Health Service Journal Shortlisted 2014 Telecare Services Association Midlands. TSA Crystal Award nomination 2014 NHS England – Roadshow 2015.