Kinshasa SPH update Meeting of the Africa Hub FPs, Kampala Eric Mafuta Kinshasa School of Public Health 1
Introduction Contents KSPH Action plan overview Activities so far implemented Activities yet to be implemented Stakeholders engagement and outcomes Challenges encounter Additional/prospective funding sources and collaborations achieved Lessons learnt and other Reflections Next steps for the institution 2
Introduction 3 Strategic issue 1: Enhance internal an external information sharing mechanisms Activity 1.1 Reactivate journal club Activity 1.2. Participate to concertation meeting with MoH officials Activity 1.3. Define HSR research agenda with stakeholders Activity 1.4. Participate in MoH and in other stakeholders'meeting related to Health Systems Activity 1.5. Update KSPH Web site Strategic issue 2: Increase production in HSR at KSPH Activity 2.1. Conduct 2 awareness meeting on HSR for MPH students Activity 2.2. Conduct 1 workshop on reference manager for MPH students Activity 2.3. Award 4 small grants for MPH students Activity 2.4. Assume scientific mentoring of MPH students Activity 2.5. Award 2 small grants for Staff Strategic issue 3: Develop institutional Capacity Activity 3.1. Train assistants on grants writing Activity 3.2. Update Atlas-ti use skills for qualitative research analysis
Activities so far implemented Research outputs and activities: One paper about Africa Hub Small grant titled was published in 2015 in BMC HSR : Remy Y Kapongo, Aimée M Lulebo, Eric M Mafuta, Paulin B Mutombo, Jean claude M Dimbelolo and Isidore E Bieleli Assessment of health service delivery capacities, health providers’ knowledge and practices related to type 2 diabetes care in Kinshasa primary healthcare network facilities, Democratic Republic of the Congo 4
Activities so far implemented Research outputs and activities: KSPH has one french and one english papers which will be submitted to a national peer review journals (Annales africaines de Medecine): [Determinants of the succes of income generating activities managed by a person living with HIV in Kinshasa, Democratic Républic of the Congo : a glance of congolese experiences]. Determinants of the choice of healthcare recourses for the population of the Ngaba Health Zone in Democratic Republic of the Congo 5
Activities so far implemented Research outputs and activities: KSPH has one english papers which will be submitted to a peer review journals (BMC research notes ): [Adherence of health providers to diabetes management care policies, Democratic Republic of the Congo : a cross sectional study]. 6
Activities so far implemented Research outputs and activities : KSPH is writing 5 papers from round students small grants titled and they are in internal review : Effect of immunizations repeated campaigns on primary health provision in Kinshasa Effect of 2007 Health systems strengthening strategies program, using MDG’s goals (to update with the last DHS). Human resources’ impact of the implementation of NCD policies in primary health care system in Kinshasa Social accountability of maternal health services: perception of health providers and health committee president in Kinshasa, DR Congo Disrespect, abuse and social accountability in maternal health services in rural primary health care. Findings from Muanda and Bolenge Health Zones, Democratic Republic of the Congo 7
Activities so far implemented KT and sharing of experiences - KSPH using Africa Hub grants have launched a website ( with institutional summary of research done in KSPH and published papers. Launched around November 2013, it currently totalizes more than 150,000 visits (with Africa Hub website link). -KSPH Health systems Dropbox has more that 380 members sharing research materials (-> to improve archive presentation) -KSPH is still nourishing web forum (Thematic group democracy, governance and health) with MoH officers and other stakeholders (awarded as one of chairpersons) -KSPH shares link of Africa Hub library in the box (even though english literacy challenge) 8
Activities so far implemented 9
Activities so far implemented Policy influence and research uptake impacts and outcomes. DRC Diabetes National Program organized a workshop to develop Guidelines for Diabetes management in Primary Health Care for all HS levels. 11
Activities so far implemented Capacity building KSPH organized 4 internal workshops since the beginning of this year for master students: Health systems organization. Health systems on-going reforms Literature reference manager Health systems administrative and managerial assessment 12
Activities so far implemented Capacity building KSPH organized one internal workshops since the beginning of this year for KSPH staff: KT especially Policy briefs..\..\..\PhD Opportunities\WOTRO Program\ILA Steps 3 et 4 Integration and intervention\Terrain 3 Province Kongo central\ Publisher Policy Brief - SFA.pdf..\..\..\PhD Opportunities\WOTRO Program\ILA Steps 3 et 4 Integration and intervention\Terrain 3 Province Kongo central\ Publisher Policy Brief - SFA.pdf Press release (web based). 13
Activities yet to be implemented Writing papers on HSR Students research : Awarding HSR small grants: For the round, 6 MPH students received small grants to conduct research in Health Systems. In the current workplan, the KSPH HSR Unit works on the reports for writing papers. I provide titles above. We are expecting to write 3 papers for peer review journals this year. o Launch of application call for HSR small grants: till 15 june 2015 (-> small grants for master students who have not scholarships) 14
Activities yet to be implemented 15
Activities yet to be implemented Interaction with MoH officers and other policy makers. Currently, KSPH involves some of MoH officers in research works and validation: PNDS [National Health Development Plan] Assessment (MoH DEP) GAVI HSS Assessment (MoHDEP) Adherence to Malaria guidelines (MSH) Health service pricing (MoH DEP) Reproductive Health commodities availability (UNFPA) Social accountability (Wotro VU) Resilience Africa network (Ebola and gender-based violence ) Challenge: the MoH Directorate of Studies and Planning was leading some research using consultants. KSPH has not findings of these studies… Digitalisation of Health Systems teaching materials 16
Stakeholder engagements and outcomes We have few engagements: we define a research agenda, through an online (e.g. -> MoH organized a workshop on research done in Community participation and KSPH was not aware nor invited; We were invited to participe in EPI planning meeting having amongst to define research agenda relate to Health Systems Involves MoH officers and stakeholders in paper writing, 17
Challenges encountered 18 Active interaction with MoH officers (physical presences….agenda conflicts) No clear policy making process (still in reforms) (a pilot activities are led far from Kinshasa-> funding limitations->small scale studies and case studies) KSPH reduces in its curricula HSR related courses (>provides courses materials as additional resources…) KSPH program schedule setting research in the last term
Additional/prospective funding sources and collaborations achieved 19 HSR related activities but done by other projects: PNDS [National Health Development Plan] Assessment (MoH DEP) GAVI HSS Assessment (MoH DEP) Adherence to Malaria guidelines (MSH) Health service pricing (MoH DEP) Reproductive Health commodities availability (UNFPA) Social accountability in maternal health services (Wotro VU) Resilience Africa network (Ebola and gender-based violences) KNET Africa (Knowledge translation…press releases video dissemination …) RIPSEC (4 years research project for 3 DRC SPH)
Lessons learnt and other Reflections For KSPH, a key accomplishement is the launch of KSPH website ( what makes KSPH was not visible, having also a resources sharing accessible information about KSPH activities and scientific productions. research pages which presents research reports, original papers and students thesis. -> innovation followed by the UNIKIN Medical School 20
Lessons learnt and other Reflections 21
Lessons learnt and other Reflections Involvement of ever-graduates in the HSR activities, sharing resources with MPH students and MoH officials, through KSPH Health Systems dropbox KSPH HSR unit is one of the most active research unities lead by a no professor staff: -> involves other departments in linked research projects -> funds for capacity buildins: journal clubs) A lot of questions about HSR (different from epidemiology and RH…) but also a the link with these areas: -> research grants opportunities for students who have not scholarships 22
Lessons learnt and other Reflections Has earned a small grant for junior staff -> applied to other calls (4): expectation to have interest in DRC research topics) Difficulty to reach final end users of research evidence (health providers…) and media (visibility…) 23
Next steps for the institution Improve collaboration with MoH units involved in HSR research or Health research; Collect datasets and reports from Studies done in HSR related topics such as DHS and MICS, SARAH and relate them with Health System I nformation (taking into account methodologic limitations and validation process) 24
Thank you 25