GARLIC Miscellaneous Drugs PH
2 Department of Technical Education Andhra Pradesh Name: B.Sri Rama Murty Designation : Head of Pharmacy Section Branch: PHARMACY Institute: Govt.,Polytechnic for Women, Srikakulam Year/Semester: I Year Subject: Pharmacognosy Subject code: PH-103 Topic: Miscellaneous Drugs Duration: 50 Mts Sub Topic: GARLIC Teaching Aids: PPT, PHOTOGRAPHS
3 Objectives On completion of this period you would be able to know about : The monograph of Garlic PH103.68
Known to Unknown 1.Can you name one household natural Antilipid you often use? 2.What is the Telugu name of it? 3.What is the other name in Hindi? 4 Garlic Vellulli Lehsun PH103.68
5 Garlic Synonym: Allium Botanical Source : Bulb of the plant Allium sativum Family : Liliaceae. Geographical source : Central Asia Southern Europe U.S.A and India Fig.68.1 Garlic bulbs
PH Garlic Organoleptic characters: Color : White to pink Odour : Characterstic and aromatic Taste : Aromatic and Pungent Size : 1.5 to 2.5 cm. Fig.68.2 Garlic bulb
PH Garlic Chemical constituents: 29% carbohydrates 56% Proteins (Albumin) 0.1% Fat, Mucilage 0.06 to 0.1% volatile oil Volatile oil contains Allyl propyl disulphide Diallyl-disulphade, Allin, Allicin
PH Garlic USES : Spice Carminative Aphrodiasiac Expectorant Stimulant
PH Garlic USES : Disinfectant Anthelmentic Antibacterial Useful in high BP and Atherosclerosis Also having Cholesterol suppressing property
PH Summary In this class we learnt about : Allium sativum contains Allicin as main chemical constituent which is used as Antibacterial agent. 1 mg of Allicin is equal to 15 I.U. Penicillin(=10µg)
PH Quiz 1.Botonical source of Garlic is a.Allium lanata b.Allium sativum c.Allium purpurea d.Allium officinalis
PH Quiz 2. Main chemical constituents present in Garlic a.Alkaloids b.Volatile oil c.Glycosides d.Fixed oils
PH Quiz 3.Garlic is used as a.Spice b.Carminative c.Antibacterial d.All the above
Frequently Asked Questions 1.Write the uses and constituents of liquorice 2.Write the family and biological source of liquorice 14 PH103.68