HYDROCARE Activities of PP1 -CINFAI Valerio Lucarini, PhD


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Presentation transcript:

HYDROCARE Activities of PP1 -CINFAI Valerio Lucarini, PhD

Overview (from AF) InstitutionEU Member State CountryTotal financial contribution (Y/N)(Code) PP 1 LP National Consortium of Universities for the Physics of the Atmospheres and of the Hydrospheres YIT ,00 PP1/LP is responsible for 5 actions (1.1, 1.2, 2.4, 2.5, 5.1) and for 2 WPs (WP1 and WP5), participates also to WP2

Main Objectives Coordination and management of the technical/administrative goals of the project (payment claims, reporting, assemblies of partners). (WP1) Coordination and management of the technical/administrative goals of the project (payment claims, reporting, assemblies of partners). (WP1) Reconstruction of the hydrological cycle in the CADSES area by renalyses, local models, global models. (WP2) Reconstruction of the hydrological cycle in the CADSES area by renalyses, local models, global models. (WP2) Dissemination by publications and conferences of the technical/administrative goals attained, and related training (WP5). Dissemination by publications and conferences of the technical/administrative goals attained, and related training (WP5).

Work Package 1 – Action 1.1 Month of start (mm/yy) Month of end (mm/yy) Description of activities, components, means Expected output / deliverables Costs (in €) 01/200612/2007Continuous coordination ad management of the project performed by the Lead Partner: check of the technical status of the project, contacts with the European bodies (especially JTS) and with the PP representatives. Organization of the meetings of the Assembly of Partners and of the Managing Committee. Notes and reports to/from partners and European bodies ,00 People: Valerio Lucarini (TD), Veronica Benedettelli (ATD)+ Carmelo Grasso, Donato Di Camillo, Janka Strakova (Staff)

Work Package 1 – Action 1.2 Month of start (mm/yy) Month of end (mm/yy) Description of activities, components, means Expected output / deliverables Costs (in €) 01/200612/2007Organization and management of the administrative aspects of the project: basic administrative duties, definition of the terms of joint convention, check of the financial status of the project, financial flux management, contacts with the Managing and Payment Authorities. Transmission of the invoices and proofs of expenditures to the Managing Authority. Redistribution of the ERDF contributions to the partners ,00 People: Carmelo Grasso, Donato Di Camillo, Janka Strakova (Staff)

Work Package 2 – Action 2.4 Month of start (mm/yy) Month of end (mm/yy) Description of activities, components, means Expected output / deliverables Costs (in €) 01/200612/2007 Reconstruction of the large- scale hydrological cycle in the CADSES area by high- resolution model-assisted climatological definition of the tropospheric flux of water of Mediterranean origin. Analysis of mean state, variability and extreme events. Quantitative characterization at hydrometeorologic al level of dry vs. wet years and dry vs. wet seasons. Correlations between the various water balances at regional scale ,00 People: Valerio Lucarini (Researcher), Robert Danihlik (Tech. Collab.)

NWF Model Limited Area high- resolution weather forecast model Limited Area high- resolution weather forecast model We may run it in hind- cast mode (24 hours runs) every day for for We may run it in hind- cast mode (24 hours runs) every day for for Works as magnifying lens for the CADSES area Works as magnifying lens for the CADSES area Very flexible in terms of resolution and area of interest Very flexible in terms of resolution and area of interest

Work Package 2 – Action 2.5 Month of start (mm/yy) Month of end (mm/yy) Description of activities, components, means Expected output / deliverables Costs (in €) 01/200612/2007 Statistical intercomparison of the reconstruction of the hydrological cycle in the in the CADSES area as obtained from models of different level of complexity. Analysis of the differences between forecast and climate models in the definition of the seasonal climatology as well as of the statistics of the extreme events. Degree of agreement between the various models. Deficiencies of weather forecast models in modelling the statistics of precipitation ,00 People: Valerio Lucarini (Researcher), Ida Kriegerova (Tech. Collab.)

DATASETS INTERCOMPARISON NCEP and ERA 40 reanalyses NCEP and ERA 40 reanalyses IPCC 4AR models simulations for XX century and climate change projections IPCC 4AR models simulations for XX century and climate change projections Other datasets for LAMs (such as PRUDENCE project of the V FW) Other datasets for LAMs (such as PRUDENCE project of the V FW) Observations Observations


Work Package 5 – Action 5.1 Month of start (mm/yy) Month of end (mm/yy) Description of activities, components, means Expected output / deliverables Costs (in €) 01/200612/2007 Organization of meetings, conferences and seminars during the project duration to disseminate the obtained results. Preparation of paper and multimedia publications. Training activities. Development and maintenance of the web-site of the project. PP2 will contribute to the organization of public events with a budget of euros. PP6 will contribute with a total budget of 2500 euros. PP11 will participate to this action within the budget of PP1. Public events, publications, brochures, outreach in the press. Publicly accessible web-site ,00 People: Valerio Lucarini (TD), Veronica Benedettelli (ATD), Carmelo Grasso, Donato di Camillo, Janka Strakova (Staff) Collaboration foreseen: PP2, PP6, PP11

Web-site HYDROCARE is already on-line HYDROCARE is already on-line Public Section (Technical Reports, Outreach, Links, Press) Public Section (Technical Reports, Outreach, Links, Press) Private Section (Reporting, confidential documents, etc) Private Section (Reporting, confidential documents, etc)

Publicity activities Press Releases Press Releases Page on the Febraury 2006 issue of Parliament Magazine Page on the Febraury 2006 issue of Parliament Magazine Media Partnership with Radio Lotte? Media Partnership with Radio Lotte?

Conclusions PP1 is strongly committed to making of HYDROCARE a real success PP1 is strongly committed to making of HYDROCARE a real success PP1 encourages collaborations with all PPs in order to coordinate the execution of the actions PP1 encourages collaborations with all PPs in order to coordinate the execution of the actions It especially important to coordinate the publicity and dissemination activities: we need to decide very soon location and time of conferences, meetings, training initiatives and we need a common action on media. It especially important to coordinate the publicity and dissemination activities: we need to decide very soon location and time of conferences, meetings, training initiatives and we need a common action on media.