Course Syllabus Physics Class Teacher: Mrs. Renum Saxena Hightower High School 2015–2016
Overview Instructor: Renum Saxena Conference Time: After school by appointment Please schedule conference time via or telephone Please feel free to contact me at any time Phone: (281) Front desk
Grading Policy Grade is determined according to the following: 50% Major Grades (Exams, Projects, Formal Labs) 50% Daily Grades (Homework, Class Assignments, Labs, Quizzes, Participation)
Absences & Make-Up Assignments Obtaining make-up work is the responsibility of the student I will place the work you missed, when possible, in my “While You Were Out Box” Check the box first, and then ask for help as needed Do not interrupt class activities to ask for make-up work Make up work should be done at home or during scheduled tutorials, not during class Students will have two days after they return to class to complete and turn in missed work for full credit
In the classroom, students are expected to be: 1. Present – success in physics requires that students attend every class for the full 50 minutes 2. Prompt – students should be in their assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. 3. Prepared – students should bring pencils, pens, a binder and spiral to keep and organize warm-ups, notes, lab reports & graded assignments 4. Productive – students should do their best, stay focused and on task, and participate fully 5. Polite – students should be respectful to teachers and peers
Classroom Routine Enter the classroom in a calm and dignified manner Pick up each day’s materials from the table near the door Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings Begin working on the Warm-up immediately Pop quizzes can be given on a current topic on any day, so watch out! Homework assignments will be passed forward and collected by Mrs. Saxena If you do not have your homework assignment, you will fill out a missing homework form and turn in stating the reason for not having homework At the end of the class, the teacher will dismiss students from class, not the bell
Class Rules FBISD rules and guidelines must be followed Food and drinks are not allowed Chewing gum is not allowed Electronic devices are to be used ONLY with the teacher’s permission
Questions? Thank You!