Key figures ,86 M€ Details ● 40 PhDs (8,64 M€) ● 13 Postdocs (2,73 M€) ● 1,77 M€ travel ● 0,99 M€ ‘per diem’ ● 2,74 M€ fees ATLAS:LHCb:ALICE=5:3:2
Nikhef budget (excluding investments) year k€ universities EU, NWO, FOM, industry, … Nikhef ‘mission’ budget FOM programs 15.4 M€ 13.9 M€
FOM budget ceiling APP ceiling 14,46714,15214,10013,99413,942 mission 10,80010,819 LHC 3,1502,9602,5622,646 2,490 theory 97(96) other=APP GW/VIRGO DM/XENON Cosmic rays311(137)(253) (208) Will astroparticle physics funding be in danger? collaboration with physics groups outside Nikhef consortium collaboration with astronomers alternative funding sources: NWO, EU, …
C. Alternative budget scenario with imposed budget ceiling The FOM-board is concerned that, given Nikhef’s long-term funding perspective, Nikhef’s astroparticle physics activities could be compromised once the full M€, as requested in this proposal for LHC physics, is granted. With the foreseen Nikhef budget ceiling on FOM-programs, the available funding for future astroparticle activities might become insufficient. The FOM-board has therefore requested Nikhef to put forward an alternative budget scenario with a maximum integral expenditure of 15 M€. On paper this is a simple exercise with a cut of about 6–8 of the requested 53 temporary scientific (PhD and postdoc) positions. As such, this has been implemented in Table 9 by reducing the budgets of the LHC groups in proportion. Detailed fine tuning is not appropriate at this moment. Since astroparticle physics activities at Nikhef are not at immediate risk, scientific positions (four of the 40 PhD positions and three of the 13 postdoc positions) have been cut primarily in the second half of the envisaged programme period, i.e. from 2017 till 2021 resulting in an overall budget of M€. Nikhef’s raison d’être: CERN LHC is Nikhef’s top priority (PhDs, papers, …) LHC exploitation only just started: ATLAS collected about 23 fb 1 integrated lumi in Run 1 anticipated ATLAS integrated lumi by 2030: 3000 fb 1 i.e. 100 more than today (at twice the c.m. energy!)
Internal scientific council (‘WAR’) Nikhef directorate External scientific council (‘SAC’) FOM board Nikhef board scientific policy
FOM board Nikhef board Nikhef directorate Internal scientific council (‘WAR’) External scientific council (‘SAC’) financial policy
RuG: Auger KM3NeT LHCb Theory R&D -detector -accelerator UL: KM3NeT Theory New Nikhef partners?
Review: First LHC E cm 14 TeV (SuSy?) Financial situation NWO, FOM, Nikhef clearer Astroparticle physics in ? – Direct observation GW (Virgo) – New dark matter results (XENON1T) – Radio technology for CR detection clear (AUGER) – -telescope future known (KM3NeT) ‘Topsector’ (industry): Nikhef’s position clear Japanese linear collider (ILC) option clear NWO evaluations: 2007, 2011, next in
Industrial collaboration?
Nederland & CERN
Conclusions LHC program continuation since 2007 on FOM’s agenda (Advisory/Executive Board discussions). CERN (=LHC these days) is Nikhef’s core business! With the LHC gearing up to design performance (energy and luminosity) this is not the time to reduce PhD/postdoc funding further. Concerns regarding possible negative consequences for astroparticle physics FOM funding, should be addressed once they are clear (just before that). Nikhef (staff, directorate, …) will respect the (present) budget ceiling, mantaining a strong astroparticle physics program.