Essential Literature For The Profession: A Survey Of International Chiropractic Faculty 126 peer reviewed publications submitted, 25 non-peer reviewed. 19 published textbooks. Most articles were published in JMPT, Spine J, Chirop Manual Ther, JCCA, between Top repeat submissions listed below [# times submitted]. Complete list available as handout. Cassidy et al (2008). Risk of vertebrobasilar stroke and chiropractic care: results of a population-based case-control and case-crossover study. [11] Bronfort et al (2010). Effectiveness of manual therapies: the UK evidence report. [6] Clar et al (2014). Clinical effectiveness of manual therapy for the management of musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal conditions: systematic review and update of UK evidence report. [3] Chou et al (2007). Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain: a joint clinical practice guidelines from the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. [3] Haas et al (2014). Dose-response and efficacy of spinal manipulation for care of chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. [3] Murphy and Hurwitz (2007). A theoretical model for the development of a diagnosis-based clinical decision rule for the management of patients with spinal pain. [3] Triano et al (2013). Review of methods used by chiro- practors to determine the site for applying manipulation. [3] Barbara A Mansholt DC MS, John S Stites DC, Stacie A Salsbury PhD RN, Lance G Corber MSITM Objective Chiropractic practice varies in scope regionally and internationally Emphasis of education, philosophy, and research varies between colleges This study surveyed international chiropractic faculty to determine “essential reading” for profession Methods Extensive process obtaining contact information for worldwide chiropractic faculty IRB exempted by Palmer College of Chiropractic Pre-tested survey developed in ASP.NET v4.0 in C# and SQL using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Recipients received an with survey link, passcode, and cover letter explanation of study Recipients ed either directly from webpage or server (direct recipients) or from an individual designated college representative (indirect recipients) Qualitative data collection methods Limitations Poor response rate Conclusions Developed an approach to surveying educators Obtained a list of essential literature recommended by chiropractic program faculty More non-practicing, non-clinical faculty responded to surveys than clinical faculty Results: article citations and literature with multiple recommendations College participation 41 chiropractic programs identified: 17 US + 24 international 19 programs surveyed: 16 US + 13 international Direct to 713 faculty at 15 colleges; indirectly (via college representative) to 14 colleges worldwide College participation-US 16 of 17 US colleges College participation-international 13 of 24 programs Response rate 173 respondents completed the welcome screen; 24 declined participation; 45 completed demographics Due to the indirect approach at some institutions the exact number contacts cannot be assessed. It is estimated that the response rate is below 5% Respondent demographics (45 ) Age, mean 50; Majority female (30); chiropractors (34) Respondents represented 6 international programs and 10 US colleges Over half (24) were full time faculty; average tenure 13 years, reporting formal EBCP within 5 years and over 7 hours each week reading professional literature Two were involved in clinical instruction/patient care, and more than half (28) were not engaged in clinical practice outside the educational program