The Wholistic Self Gwen Dittmar Entelechy Coaching, LLC
Agenda Holistic Modalities of Holistic Health Wholelistic Bring Yourself Into Wholeness Q & A How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole. – Carl Yung Entelechy Coaching, LLC
Holistic A concept in medical practice upholding that all aspects of people’s needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account as seen as a whole. As defined above, the holistic view on treatment is widely accepted in medicine. A different definition, claiming that disease is a result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental imbalance, is used in alternative medicine. Entelechy Coaching, LLC
Modalities of Holistic Health Eastern Medicine (Acupuncture, Ayurvedic, Chinese, Massage, Meditation, Phoenix Rising, Reiki, Shiatsu, Yoga, etc) Martial Arts (Feng Shui, Tai Chi, Yoga) Metaphysical & Religious (Astrology, Past Life, Polarity, Rebirthing, Vibrational) Body-Mind & Psycho (Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, Career/Life Counseling, Expressive Arts Therapies, Guided Imagery, Inner Child, Neuro-Linguistic) Western (Aromatherapy, Fasting, Herbalism, Homeopathy) Western Designer Methods (Bio-Magnetic Touch Healing Bioenergetics), Chelation Therapy, Chiropractice, CranioSacral, Gestalt Therapy, Kinesiology, Macrobiotic, Muscular Therapy, Network Spinal Analysis, Naturopathic Medicine) Body Works (Bodywork for Abuse Survivors, Deep Tissue, Infant Massage, Pilates, Rolfing) Entelechy Coaching, LLC
Your Whole-listic Self Would you consider yourself holistic? How do you bring yourself into WHOLENESS? What ways do you support yourself Physically? Exercise, body work Psychologically? Therapy, coaching Spiritually? Prayer, religion, ritual Socially? Social life, friends, family Environment? Home, outside Entelechy Coaching, LLC
Bring Yourself Into Wholeness Is there anything you felt like you “lost” in your addiction that you have not regained? Do you have a shadow side? Is there any way to bring that forward in a healthy way, as Carl Yung says, in order to be whole? What are some things you could commit to to bring yourself into wholeness? Start small, then build your way up Be specific and detailed Set up accountability One daily action You are all things. Denying, rejecting, judging or hiding from any aspect of your total being creates pain and results in a lack of wholeness. – Joy Page, actress in the film Casablanca Entelechy Coaching, LLC
Q & A Live more mindfully, write a new chapter in your life, reclaim your wholeness and feel reverence in your heart, for by planting these seeds you will create a beautiful garden that will bear fruit to sustain your soul and nourish your spirit for eternity. – Michael Teal, poet, philosopher, shaman Entelechy Coaching, LLC