The U.S. Retirement System U.S. Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration
1935: workers employed in industry and commerce. 1939: dependents and survivors. 1950s-1980s: more sectors (farm, domestic, self employed, military, some state/local, non-profit, clergy, federal civilian, Americans abroad). Also added benefits for disabled workers. Established in 1935 as a response to the high rate of elderly poverty during the Great Depression. Coverage was expanded over time.
Mandatory Covers everyone (almost) Pay-As-You-Go Provides lifelong income support But funding will fall short
Taxes $672 Billion Benefits $615 Billion 162 million workers 51 million beneficiaries
How Large is the Benefit?
Funding Will Fall Short Taxes in Benefits out
Voluntary Pre-funded Numerous Wide variety
Pensions are Voluntary
Pensions are Pre-Funded
Major Plan Types Defined Benefit Defined Contribution
$ Varies $ Defined Company Retirees
$ Defined $ Varies Company Exiting Employees
Private Employee Pensions Now Mostly Defined Contribution Defined benefit
Private Employee Pensions Mostly Defined Contribution
Voluntary, recently low Highly concentrated among the affluent Many ways to save Tax advantages
Saving Rate has Fallen
Saving is Concentrated Median Amount of: Financial Assets Net Worth Bottom 20%$2,000$8,000 All Families$29,000$120,000 Top 10%$405,000$1,119,000
Many Ways to Save