Live online presentations helping you create a culture of a fully funded ministry.


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Presentation transcript:

Live online presentations helping you create a culture of a fully funded ministry.

Moderator Introduction Aaron J. Babyar – SRS Managing Director

SRS Vision We want to flood the nations with Spiritually healthy, Vision-driven, Fully funded Great Commission workers Introduction

Our Goal SRS provides solutions to help your staff overcome obstacles, maintain a God-centered perspective, and apply proven strategies to personal support raising. We want to help you create a culture of a fully funded ministry for: Recruits New Staff Veteran Staff Support raising trainers and coaches Introduction

Ongoing Benefits of the SRS Network Monthly Webinars Training for you as facilitators (SRS Conference likely Oct 20-22) Opportunity to utilize SRS Bootcamp curriculum Coming Soon: Upcoming online prep with participant progress tracking Topical video library Audit survey Pastor Webinar Library Introduction

Last Tuesday of each month 1 p.m. CST Please create a recurring event in your calendar You’ll receive an invite monthly, please plan to ACCEPT it each time Stop and Mark Your Calendar!


Ellis Goldstein MPD Director, Cru Presenter Introduction

How to Coach Staff to Get to 100%

First Things First Crystal clear goals. Coach’s relationship to the coachee Consultant vs. coach.

First Things First Lines of authority. Your non-negotiable partnership with the staff member’s supervisor. Who’s the boss? Suggestions or expectations?

Coaching Plan Set a finish line goal Metrics: What you are going to measure (activity and dollars raised). Weekly. Monthly.

Know Your Staff Member How many contacts does he/she have? Family situation (friend or foe). Church he/she goes to. What are potential roadblocks?

Keep the Vision Before Them Mobilize people and their resources to the person and purposes of Jesus Christ. Revelation 7:9. Create sense of urgency.

Accountability Weekly report. Weekly Skype/Google Hangout appointments.

Accountability Once learned is not always learned-skill practice. Phone call. Presentation (vision, ask, referrals). Solve Problems-Keep ‘Em Moving


Join us next month on May CST Micah May - Public SRS Bootcamp Facilitator - FCA Leader and Coach Topic: How to use events as a way to get individual appointments Closing