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4 schoolsaddbrowsefindhome linda chapman is logged into the SIPS database: User: lchapman.(user) School Improvement Partners logoutlogout This database contains a collection of School Improvement Partner visit reports. The data is meant for internal use by DES staff.
5 schoolsaddbrowsefindhome linda chapman is logged into the SIPS database: User: lchapman.(user) School Improvement Partners logoutlogout This database contains a collection of School Improvement Partner visit reports. The data is meant for internal use by DES staff.
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7 → School Improvement → Secondary and Special SIPshttp:// and Special SIPs Working practices – special visit notes QA Induction and CPD Secondary national strategy Special Steering group Data and target setting
8 Developments: Inclusion Development Programme – Requests for outstanding practice re: “Effective use of data” OCT 16 th ‘Target setting for Special schools” - CPD conference - south At SHAD – schools agreed to share exclusion and attendance data Target setting + CASPA Persistent absences
9 Target Setting Return for Special Schools for 2009: P Scales P1(i)P1(ii)P2(i)P2(ii)P3(i)P3(ii) P4P5P6P7P81C1B1A2C2B2A English Maths Science Please enter the Key Stage and the total number of pupils in the year group, either Y6, Y9 or Y11 at the top of the sheet. The numbers of pupils targeted for the various levels should then be entered in the appropriate boxes for each of the subjects. (Please note that there is no statutory requirement for science targets to be set at Key Stage 2). This pro-forma should be completed for each relevant Key Stage in addition to the standard target setting pro-forma distributed by the LA. Where you have set targets using criteria other than the P Scales, please contact the Research and Statistics Section for advice on the way in which you should submit your targets. SchoolDCSF No: Key Stage*Number of pupils in year group *Please complete a separate sheet for each Key Stage
10 KS 2 pupils with Special Educational Needs which mean achievement of level 4 is unlikely should have targets which help them to progress as far as possible and by 2 levels if appropriate Number in cohort: ……. % to make 2 P levels gain from end of KS1 % to make 1 P level gain from end of KS1 % to make 2 NC levels gain from end of KS1 (taking average of reading and writing at end of KS1) % to make 1 NC level gain from end of KS1 (taking average of reading and writing at end of KS1) % to reach NC Lv 4 in both English and Maths English Mathematics
11 KS 3 pupils with Special Educational Needs which mean achievement of level 5 is unlikely should have targets which help them to progress as far as possible and by 2 levels if appropriate Number in cohort: ……. % to make 2 P levels gain from end of KS2 % to make 1 P level gain from end of KS2 % to make 2 NC levels gain from end of KS2 % to make 1 NC level gain from end of KS2 % to reach NC Lv 5 or above English (in both Eng. +Maths) Mathematics Science
12 KS 4 pupils with Special Educational Needs which mean achievement of 5 A*-C grades including English and mathematics is unlikely should have targets which help them to progress as far as possible and by 2 levels if appropriate Number in cohort: …….Percentage To make 2 P levels progress in English (from level attained at end of KS3) To make 2 P levels progress in Maths (from level attained at end of KS3) To make 2 NC levels progress in English (from level attained at end of KS3) To make 2 NC levels progress in Maths (from level attained at end of KS3) Entry level 1 A*-G 5 A*-C including English and Maths
13 KS5 Consider: Targets for progress in external accreditation, NC levels, P levels Strengths Areas for Improvement
14 CASPA Comparison and Analysis of Special Pupil Attainment CASPA enables bench-marking of a pupil’s attainment against each of the pupil's recorded categories of need, rather than just the single main area of need allows schools to select for each pupil the categories of need that they feel are most appropriate as the basis on which to compare his or her attainment to that of others.
18 CASPA Comparison and Analysis of Special Pupil Attainment reports on performance for individual and cohorts of pupils showing whether the actual, or target, progress of pupils, based on prior attainment, is meeting, exceeds or is below expectations. provides 'drill down' analysis for any cohort of pupils to illustrate the spread of differences between actual, or target, progress and expectations based on prior attainment.
19 Expected progress - the track of pupil progress follows the starting percentile, so the ending percentile rank is the same as the starting percentile rank Above expected progress - the track of pupil progress moves up from the starting percentile, so the ending percentile rank is higher than the starting percentile rank. Below expected progress - the track of pupil progress moves down from the starting percentile, so the ending percentile rank is lower than the starting percentile rank