REBECCA GRAETZ, EDS INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER INVER HILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Accessibility and Online Videos in D2L: A case study of implementing open captioned videos in an online developmental Math course
Introduction Rebecca Graetz, EdS BSBA and MBA online from Walden University EdS and EdD blended/online Argosy University Instructional Designer at Inver Hills Community College Tools used for project: Camtasia Relay Desire 2 Learn (D2L) Quality Matters (QM) Kaltura Management Console (KMC) not Kaltura Media Space (KMS) Caption Sync
Background This case study is a product of an Accessibility Task Force recommendation at Inver Hills Community College. Open/closed captions in video of online courses are not widely researched nor is data available. Open captions are similar to subtitles and cannot be turned off. Closed captions gives the viewer to turn subtitles on or off. Viable dissertation topic with research to be shared with MnSCU, D2L, Caption Sync, Kaltura and NROC.
Accessibility Task Force Campus self-assessment using Project GOALS GOALS Project is acronym for Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-study. FIPSE funded project through National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE). Benchmark and planning tool. Three month assessment and final recommendation on web accessibility which included captioning of videos on campus website as well as videos in courses.
Requests and Contracts Formal request from faculty member to have videos professionally captioned. Funds were provided from a “year-end funds” approval. Detailed contract written between MnSCU and Automatic Sync. Prepaid purchase of video transcription service.
Quality Matters Courses captioned were Introduction to Algebra and Intermediate Algebra taught in blended format. Course is online with exception of mid-term and final exam. Videos were required viewing for course. Courses are QM Approved. QM Standard 8.2 states: “The course contains equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content”.
Implementation Videos were recorded in Camtasia Relay. Videos were uploaded into Kaltura Management Console (KMC). System integration setup between KMC and Caption Sync. Setup Playlist in KMC for Caption Sync. Tagged videos in KMC for Caption Sync. Caption Sync gets videos electronically and transcribes them. Videos placed back into KMC by Caption Sync when finished. Videos placed back into D2L from KMC by instructor.
Discovery When integrating KMC with Caption Sync, it was discovered that Inver Hills still had a trial account not a MnSCU account. This problem was solved quickly when fixed. The videos needed to be saved as “Basic – Small” encoding flavor in KMC.
Instructor: Carrie Naughton MATH 0840 and MATH 0940
Discovery The “Administrative Secret” and “Partner ID” had one extra space. Video processing was being rejected. Caption Sync Help Desk was highly involved in finding out what was incorrect and making this work. Below is a screen shot of prepaid purchase and progress of captioning. sent to confirm completion of captioning.
Discovery The browsers used were an issue and instructor recommended IE over any others. The videos did not show correctly. Instructor re-embedded videos into D2L as HTML files so the videos open up correctly.
Course Analytics Export data to MS Excel from D2L and see how many and how long students viewed videos Final analysis will look at student success defined by passing grades from before open captioned videos and after open captioned videos.
Dissertation Study Personal Interest Experience as a developmental Math student in 2002 Parent of two sons that have Dysgraphia. Both have not self- reported a learning disability as college students although both have IEPs. Dissertation Title Analyzing the implementation of open captioned videos in developmental Math courses and impact on student success in community college.
Dissertation Study Research questions Is there a correlation between students viewing required videos for online developmental mathematic courses that are open captioned and success in passing an online developmental mathematics course? Do open captioned videos available for viewing lead to success in passing the course? Study is post-archival quantitative action research study. Completion in September IRB Approval at Inver Hills Community College and Argosy University
Ask yourself this… Does a request for captioning benefit the college as a whole or is it just for one section or course? Is this part of an Academic Strategic Plan for creating accessibility to all in campus courses? Is there an Open Ended Resource (OER) available? Are we “re-inventing” the wheel? Are their processes in place for faculty to record and caption their own video? Or is there any quality required for videos? Is there research showing that captioning is an effective means reach an underserved population ?
Recommendations Participate in Project GOALS to assess campus web accessibility. Ask questions as to the need to captioning and the audience the captioning will serve. Budget for a professional captioning service. Set up process and project plans for captioning projects.
References Caption Sync. (2013). Retrieved from Desire2Learn. (2013). Retrieved from GOALS. (2013). Retrieved from Kaltura Management Console. (2013). Retrieved from Video-Management-Console Quality Matters. (2013). Retrieved from
Contact Information Rebecca Graetz, EdS InverHills Community College