10/15/15 Create a Title Page/Table of contents right after pg. C16 *MAKE SURE THE TABLE OF CONTENTS IS ON THE RIGHT HAND PAGE!!!
Glue this to INB page D1 Yes – This IS directly behind the Table of contents. No – We did not do it this way last time. Yes – We will be putting something on D2, but not right now.
Directions: During this unit we will be learning how and why volcanoes occur. Look through Chapter 3 of the text Inside Earth (pages ) and then create a title page with the following: · The title of the unit: Unit 3—Volcanoes · At least 4 different pictures to represent what we are going to be learning about · At least 4 vocabulary terms that are new to you (look at bold print words) · At least 4 questions you have about volcanoes · Add at least 4 colors
10/16/2015 What is your experience with volcanoes? Parts of a Volcano EQ: 2 Do you think all volcanoes have exactly the same structures? Why or Why not?
10/16/2015 What is your experience with volcanoes? Parts of a Volcano EQ: 2 What are three questions you have right now about volcanoes?
10/19/2015 What scares you the most about volcanoes? Types of Volcanoes EQ: 2 What do you think is the most interesting type of volcano? Why?
10/20/2015 What surprised you the most in the web quest? Volcanoes Flip Book EQ: 2 Do you think the types of volcanoes are more alike or more different than each other? Why?
10/20/2015 What surprised you the most with the different types of volcanoes? Comparing Volcanoes EQ: 2 What is the major difference between the types of volcanoes? What is the biggest similarity? Why did you pick these?
10/20/2015 What surprised you the most with the different types of volcanoes? Comparing Volcanoes EQ: 2 List the three type of volcano
1.Take a look at your Unit 2 test, the review packet and your INB with all the work in it 2.What did you do well? Be specific – skills, habits, attitudes, etc. 3.What do you need to do better? Be specific – skills, habits, attitudes, etc. 4.Answer the following questions on a piece of paper: 1.What do I need to start doing? 2.What do I need to stop doing? 3.What should I continue to do? *be specific*
10/27/2015 Brainstorm a list of hazards and benefits of volcanoes Hazards Vs. Benefits Poster EQ: 1, 2, 3, 4 Do you think people should live close to volcanoes? Why or why not?
1.Start by going to Mt View Destiny in Google Chrome 2.Scroll down to the Volcano section 3.Research and take notes on YOUR hazard OR one benefit of Volcanoes 4.Pick one hazard and one benefit and do detailed research on it Where? Why? How much? How big? Types of damage caused by it? Costs of the damage? Amount of money brought in? Number of people affected?
Your Mission for 10/28/15 You must complete the poster by tomorrow so today is your last opportunity to work on the poster in class Tomorrow you will be presenting to the class about your topic USE YOUR TIME WISELY!!!
11/9/2015 What do you think the term viscosity means Magma Lab EQ: 1, 2, 3, 4 What do you think would happen if you alternated between toothpaste and shampoo?
1.Open your INB to page D0 (the title page and Table of contents) 2. Place in the box labeled with your period on it (yes open to the title page and table of contents) 3. Fill in your planner 4. Have your study guide and a pencil out and ready 5. Wait for instructions